Monday, April 3, 2023

Juan Gonzales Siverio & Catalina Espino

Name: Juan Gonzales Siverio
Ship: La Victoria
Birth: Tirajana, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
Father: Antonio Gonzales Siverio
Mother: Juana Rodriguez

Wife (1st): Catalina Espino
Wife (2nd): Maria Candelaria Mayor


Juan left Santa Cruz, Tenerife in Oct 22, 1778, sailing on La Victoria and landed in New Orleans on Jan 14, 1779 with his children Ana and Antonio.[1]   He arrived at the Galveztown settlement.  

Juan is listed in the First Militia Company at Galveztown on June 27, 1779.[10] He is also listed as Juan Severio. 

Juan is listed in the Galveztown Settlement Survey of September 13, 1793.[7]  He claims land in Galveztown in 1794.[5]   Listed as "100 superficial arpents on the right or south bank of the bayou bounded upstream by William Spaun (Braun?), downstream by the fort at Galveztown, and by vacant land on the other side."  Jose is shown on the Galveztown census of 1804.[5]  Juan is listed in land claims made in 1832 represented in a township map.[8]  


  1. Ana (b. 1766)
  2. Antonio (b. 1774)

Juan remarried to Maria Candelaria Mayor, daughter of Tomas Mayor and Gregoria Sanchez in Galveztown.[2]   


  1. Leon Juan (b. April 11, 1793)
  2. Elzeario Joseph (b. October 20, 1795)
  3. Tomasa de Aquino Enrica (b. March 7, 1799)
Son Leon was born April 11, 1793 in Galveztown and baptized April 18, 1793 in Galveztown.[2]  

Son Elzeario was born October 20, 1795 in Galveztown and baptized October 22, 1795 in Galveztown.[2]  
NOTE:  Elzeario is possibly Joseph Severio, commonly referenced in the Baton Rouge records.  Joseph Severio married Maria Rosalie Arruet, daughter of Jean Louis Arruet and Maria del Alamo. There is a marriage record for "Joseph Sauario", married to "Maria Arrewitt" in the Greensburg District, later St. Helena Parish (present-day Livingston Parish), on February 1, 1820.[9]  They had children in Baton Rouge and Livingston Parish.  It is unconfirmed if Elzeario Joseph Siverio is the same as Joseph Severio, married to Maria.   More information is needed.

Daughter Tomasa was born March 7, 1799 in Galveztown and baptized March 17, 1799 in Galveztown.[2]  


  1. Gilbert C. Din, The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Press, 
  2. Emilie G. Leumas, archivist, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Department of Archives, v2, p676.
  3. Emilie G. Leumas, archivist, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Department of Archives, v3. 
  4. Iberville County Louisiana Archives Court. Governors Of Galveztown, Et Al  February 8, 1804.  Record of the lands conceded by the Governors to the inhabitants of this District of Galveztown, with description of the arpents which they possess.   
  5. "Registro de las Tierras Concedidas por los Señores Govennadones à los abitantes de este Districto de Galveztown con èxpression de los àrpanes que cadauno tiene febr. 8th 1804". Conveyance Book B, May 3, 1787 - January 30, 1804.  Iberville Parish Courthouse, Plaquemine, LA
  6. Surveyors Maps of the District of Galveston, Louisiana. 1793-1794.  Box 3e487, Folder 4
  7. Old Greensburg District of Livingston Parish (French Settlement and Port Vincent). September 13, 1793.
  8. Township Survey of 1832.  John Gilmore. "Southeastern District of Louisiana.  East of the Mississippi River."  T.8S R.3E. Redrawn in 1871. Published 1882.  Survey General's Office, New Orleans, LA
  9. St. Helena Marriage Index A & B, St. Helena Parish, Louisiana.  Reprinted in Million Early Marriages in the Southern States LA AHGP, Louisiana History and Genealogy Project 280,566 Early Louisiana Marriages Submitted by C. W. Barnum ©January 1, 2014 (
  10. Kinnaird, Lawrence, editor.  Villa de Galvez - First Militia Company.  Reprinted in the Annual Report of the American Historical Association for Year 1945.  Vol. 2. Spain In The Mississippi Valley (1765-1794).  United States Government Printing Office, Washinton, 1949.  Reprinted in the East Ascension Genealogical and Historical Society Journal.  Vol IX.  No. 1.  March, 1989.  

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


"Margarita" by Gilbert Din[2]

The sixth ship with Isleños, El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, reached Havana on July 25, 1779, about the same time that news came of Spain's declaration of war on England.  After the war began, Lieutenant Colonel Andres Amat de Tortosa waited anxiously for the convoy to arrive from Cádiz in order to send the remaining emigrants.  But as the months stretched out and expenses mounted, he decided to dispatch the remaining 99 recruits and their families, 368 persons in all, on three small vessels.

Two brigantines belonged to Bartolomé Montañez, the San Carlos, which carried 47 recruits, 159 persons in all, under Sergeant First Class Josef Martínez Rubio and the San Pedro, with 35 recruits and a total of 119 passengers, under Corporal Juan Jardin.  The brig belonging to Francisco Suárez de Miranda, the Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, carried only 17 recruits, 89 passengers in all, under Lieutenant Esteban Botino de Echevarria.  

Those on El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, the San Carlos, and the Nuestra Señora de los Dolores arrived in Havana.  Those who waited patiently for the war to end found transportation to New Orleans in the summer of 1783, when the government hired two ships.  The first group of 40 families sailed from Havana on July 28, on board the frigate Margarita. They reached the mouth of the Mississippi at Balize on August 17.  Two days later, the packet boat Santísima Trinidad under Captain Borja, with 25 additional Isleno families, arrived. The two ships brought a total of 263 persons, who represented the bulk of the immigrants who had sat out the war in Cuba.  


Persons And Families Who Came From The Canary Islands For Louisiana And Who Are Now Going On The Frigate Margarita, Havana, July 28, 1783.[1]  

CZN = Those that arrived in Havana on El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
CAR = Those that arrived in Havana on the San Carlos
DOL = Those that arrived in Havana on the Nuestra Señora de los Dolores

1 - Agustin de Zejas [Sejus] [CZN]
Luisa, daughter
Francisca, daughter

2 - Tomas de Zejas [CZN]
Catalina, wife

3 - Manuel Ramos [CZN]
Maria, wife
Maria, daughter
Juan, son
Josefa, daughter
Tomas, son

4 - Lorenza Marrero (wife) [CZN]
Juan, son
Francisca, daughter

5 - Diego Rodriguez [CZN]
Maria, wife

6 - Juan Lorenzo Gonzales [CZN]
Maria, wife
Maria, daughter

7 - Patricio Gonzales [CZN]
Tomasa, wife
Luis, son
Francisco, son

8 - Antonio Gonzales [DOL?]
Isabel, wife
Antonia, daughter

9 - Juan Alonso de la Fuente [CZN]
Beatriz, wife
Maria, daughter
Antonia, daughter

10 - Juan Quintana [CZN]
Isabel, wife
Maria, daughter

11 - Antonio de Flores [CZN]
Catalina, wife
Margarita, mother-in-law

12 - Francisco Truxillo [CZN]
Beatriz, wife
Josefa, daughter
Francisca, daughter

13 - Domingo Machado [CZN]
Antonia, wife
Antonio, son
Jose, son
Francisco, son
Pedro, son

14 - Juan Alonso Morales [CZN]
Antonia, wife
Maria, daughter

15 - Antonio Valentin Rodriguez [CZN]
Luisa, wife
Santiago, son

16 - Antonio Esteves [CZN]
Elena, wife
Maria, daughter

17 - Jose Marrero [CAR]
Luis, son [sic]
Vizenta, daughter
Luis, son
Pedro, son
Josefa, daughter
Josefa [sic], daughter

18 - Maria, widow of Antonio Infante [CAR]
Maria, daughter
Antonia, daughter
Francisca, daughter
Dominga, daughter

19 - Antonio Rodriguez [CAR]
Maria, wife
Maria, daughter
Alonso, son
Francisco, son
Ana, daughter
Francisca, daughter

20 - Julien Lopez [CAR]
Maria, wife

21 - Francisco de Campos [CAR]
Maria, wife

22 - Jose Oleda [Ojeda] [CAR]
Ursula, wife
Eugenio, son A

23 - Antonio Rubio [DOL]
Josefa, wife
Nicolas, son

24 - Antonio Machado [CZN] (possibly PC?)
Maria, wife
Sebastian, son
Josefa, daughter
Andrea, daughter
Maria, daughter
Pedro, son

25 - Manuel de la Caridad [CZN]
Maria, wife
Antonia, daughter

26 - Antonio Dupierrez [CZN]
Catalina, wife
Juan, son

27 - Maria, widow of Jose Lorenzo Jucirez [CZN]
Antonio, son
Juan, son
Miguel, son
Francisco, son
Jose, son
Francisca, daughter
Maria, daughter

28 - Jose Aleman [CZN]
Antonia, wife
Juan, son
Matias, son

29 - Santiago Hernandez [CZN]
Maria, wife
Maria, daughter
Francisco, son
Josefa, daughter
Antonia, daughter

30 - Felipe Gonzales Fuentes [CAR]
Antonia, wife

31 - Jose Antonio Quintana [CAR]
Maria, wife
Maria, daughter
Jose, son
Rafael, son

32 - Juan de Acosta [CAR]
Luisa, wife
Jose, son
Jose [sic], son

33 - Manuel Hernandez Claro [CAR]
Catalina, wife
Maria, daughter
Antonio, son
Josefa, daughter

34 - Jose Antonio Gonzales [CAR]
Antonia, wife
Maria, daughter

35 - Luis Martel [CAR]
Antonia, mother

36 - Pedro Hernandez [CAR]
Isabel, wife
Jose, son
Maria, daughter

37 - Domingo Diaz Nunez -deserted on 16th [DOL]
Maria, wife
Domingo, son
Maria, daughter
Luisa, daughter
Maria [sic], daughter
Domingo [sic], son

38 - Antonio Bienes [DOL]
Manuela, wife

39 - Jose Ramirez [CAR]
Diego, son
Maria, daughter
Isabel, daughter

40 - Sebastian Cazorla [CZN]
Isabel, wife
Bartolome, son
Angela, daughter
Angel, grandson 


  1. Persons And Families Who Came From The Canary Islands For Louisiana And Who Are Now Going On The Frigate Margarita, Havana, July 28, 1783.  Archivo General de Indias - Papeles Procedentes de Cuba, Seville, Spain.  Legajo 1393.  Reprinted in Gilbert C. Din, The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Press.
  2. Gilbert C. Din, The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Press.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Domingo Truxillo & Catalina Maria

 Name: Domingo Truxillo
Ship: San Juan Nepomuceno
Birth: La Gomera

Wife: Catalina Maria (Dominguez)


Domingo left Santa Cruz, Tenerife in Dec 9, 1778 sailing on the San Juan Nepomuceno and landed in New Orleans on July 1779 with his wife Catalina and his children Antonio, Jose, Juan and Marcelina.1   He arrived at the Valenzuela settlement

Catalina is listed as Catalina Dominguez in the marriage of her son Juan.2  

NOTE: Domingo may be the same as Domingo Truxillo, the son of Joseph Truxillo Prieto and Ria Sepherina, both of Alajero, La Gomera.6  Further investigation is required.


  1. Antonio Domingo (b. 1764)
  2. Marcelina (b. 1771)
  3. Jose (b. 1772)
  4. Juan (b. 1775)
Son Antonio married Maria Dominguez, daughter of Manuel Dominguez and Juana Dominguez of Tenerife, on August 30, 1784 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.2  Antonio is listed in the 1788 Spanish Census of Bayou Lafourche with his brother Jose living with him.5  They continued to have children in the Valenzuela settlement.

Daughter Marcelina married Domingo Acosta, son of Antonio de Acosta and Damiana Perera, on February 27, 1786 in the Valenzuela settlement.2  They continued to have children in the Valenzuela settlement.

Son Juan married Maria Falcon, daughter of Gaspar Falcon and Francisca DeNiz, on June 19, 1799 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ at the Valenzuela settlement.2  They continued to have children in the Valenzuela settlement.


  1. Gilbert C. Din, The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Press
  2. Emilie G. Leumas, archivist, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Department of Archives, v2, p708-709
  3. Emilie G. Leumas, archivist, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Department of Archives, v3, 840-841
  4. General Census of the Inhabitants Established in Lafourche 1791, Legajo 202, p153, Archivo General de Indias - Papeles Procedentes de Cuba, Seville, Spain.  Reprinted in Albert J. Robichaux, Jr., compiler, Colonial Settlers along Bayou Lafourche Louisiana Census Records 1770-1798, 532 Manhattan Boulevard, Harvey, Louisiana 70058, 
  5. General Census of the Inhabitants Established in Lafourche 1788, Legajo 201, Archivo General de Indias - Papeles Procedentes de Cuba, Seville, Spain. Reprinted in Albert J. Robichaux, Jr., compiler, Colonial Settlers along Bayou Lafourche Louisiana Census Records 1770-1798, 532 Manhattan Boulevard, Harvey, Louisiana 70058
  6. Vera, Julio C. "Censo de La Gomera de 1757: With English Guide".  December 17, 2019. (AL-67) p.212.

Galveztown Settlement (1778-1805)


In 1778, Loyalists from the settlement of Canewood in British West Florida relocated to the south bank of the Amite River after fleeing American Revolutionaries. In November of the same year, the first ship of several carrying Canary Islanders, or Isleños, would reach Louisiana to help defend the territory against a possible British invasion. Spanish Governor Bernardo de Gálvez traveled up the Mississippi River on November 12 or 13 with the recent Isleño arrivals in search of a proper location to establish a settlement. On November 22, Gálvez reached the point at which the Amite River and Bayou Manchac met and came across the fledgling Anglo-American settlement joined by French and German inhabitants. Gálvez granted asylum to those in the settlement under the requirement that the Isleños may be settled at the site as well as that a Spanish fort and garrison may be constructed. The inhabitants agreed and named their settlement "Villa de Gálvez" or "Galveztown" in honor of Governor Gálvez.

Almost from the very beginning, Galveztown was beset by tragedy. Diseases such as smallpox and scabies took the lives of various community members. Medical assistance was soon sent by Governor Gálvez but other diseases and maladies continued to beleaguer the community. Despite this, the militiamen of Galveztown managed to capture the British outpost of Amite along with 7 vessels and 125 soldiers and sailors in August, 1779. At the same time, Gálvez traveled up the Mississippi River and captured the British forts of Brute (Manchac), Baton Rouge, and Natchez. Following the capture of Mobile in 1780, Galveztown lost much of its strategic military importance.

Just as in the year prior, smallpox and other diseases continued to ravage the Galveztown. By the winter of 1780, over one-third of Isleños that arrived to the community were dead. On August 24, 1780, a powerful hurricane struck Louisiana which destroyed much of the community and its crops. Much of the community lived in poverty and lacked adequate food or clothing. It was not until the end of the American Revolutionary War that the community saw a small increase in its population.

By the beginning of 1786, more than half of the houses in Galveztown had been abandoned and fallen into disrepair. A number of residents petitioned Governor Miró for permission to leave the community with many wishing to go to the Isleño community of San Bernardo. In 1794, a series of hurricanes flooded and destroyed homes and spoiled crops. This was immediately followed by the flooding of the Amite River which affected every single family of Galveztown.

In the face of repeated flooding of the Amite River coupled with the destruction dealt by hurricanes, the residents continued to rebuild and eke out an existence. With the Louisiana Purchase, many of the Isleños chose to abandon the settlement. Many of them wished to remain within Spanish territory and so they fled primarily to Baton Rouge and established the neighborhood of Spanish Town. The last marriage to take place in Galveztown was in February, 1807. Other residents remained in the vicinity and eventually established the community of Gálvez on higher ground.

Officers In Charge of Galveztown

1 - Dn. Francis Collel (1779-1780)

2 - Cpt. Antonio de St. Maxent (1781-1784)

3 - Cmd. Francisco Maximiliano de St. Maxent (1784-1787)

4 - Lt. Joseph Petely (1787)

5 - Cmd. Marcos deVilliers (1787-1794)

6 - Cpt. Francisco Rivas (1794-1797)

7 - Sub. Lt. Matias Hernandez (1797-1799)

2 - Lt. Dn. Tomas Estevan (1799-1804)

First Militia Company of Galveztown (June 16 to June 27, 1779)[1]

Militia Cpt. Joseph Pauli

1 - Lt. Agustin Brounet

2 - 2nd Lt. Dn. Antonio Diaz

3 - Sergt. 1st. Class Dn. Francisco Monzon
Josefa de Castro, wife

4 - 2nd. Lt. Augustin Pinto de Lara
Maria Theresa Carsalla, wife

5 - 2nd. Lt. Jose Perera
Maria Ramirez, wife
Maria, daughter
Catalina, daughter
Josefa, daughter
Francisca, daughter
Luisa, daughter
Isabel, daughter

6 - Corp. 1st. Class Francisco Pena

7 - Corp. 1st. Class Luis Rivera

8 - Corp. 1st. Class Juan Medero

9 - Corp. 1st. Class Bartolome Hernandez

10 - Corp. 2nd. Class Bartolome Diaz
Josepha Perez Hidalgo, wife
(Francisca, daughter?)
Diego, son
Manuel, son
Juan, son
Jose, son
Francisco, son
Francisca, daughter

11 - Corp. 2nd. Class Ramon Lopez
(1st) Maria Verde, wife
Juan Bautista, son
(2nd) Ana Marie Suarez (2nd)

12 - Corp. 2nd. Class Juan Antonio Martin

13 - Corp. 2nd. Class Domingo Garcia

14 - Antonio Montesinos

15 - Jose Quintero
Ana Espino, wife

16 - Josef Morales (1)
Antonia Viera (1st)
Josefa Antonia, daughter

17 - Josef Rodriguez Fomes

18 - Jose Agustin Capitan
Isabel Garcia, wife
Pablo, son

19 - Domingo Acosta

20 - Francisco Toledo

21 - Jose Martin
Maria del (Cristo) Leon, wife
Ana Maria, daughter

22 - Ignacio Ramirez

23 - Juan Sanchez Melian
Francisca Margarita Masias, wife (1st)
Bartolome, son
Jose, son
Maria del Pino, daughter
Maria Juana de los Dolores, daughter

24 - Josef Perez

25 - Francisco Rodriguez
Ana Romero, wife (1st)
Manuel Josef, son
Augustina, daughter

26 - Juan Gonzales Siverio
(1st) Catalina Espino, wife
Ana, daughter
Antonio, son
(2nd) Maria Candelaria Mayor
Elzeario Joseph, son
Leon Juan, son
Tomasa de Aquino Enrica, daughter

27 - Diego Morales

28 - Cristobal Mesa

29 - Antonio Alonso

30 - Guillermo Gonzales Chocho
Maria Gil, wife
Sebastian, son

31 - Felipe Romero

32 - Francisco Herrera

33 - Mateo Rodriguez
Marie Antonia Del Carmen (Viera), wife
Antonia Maria, daughter
Maria del Susso, daughter
Mateo Francisco, son
Maria Antonia, daughter

34 - Mathias Martin (Martinez?)
Maria Magdalena Santos, wife
Juan Santos, son
Maria, daughter
Ferdinand Bernard, son
Fernando Antonio, son
Maria Antonia, daughter

28 - Juan (Jose?) Perera Sanchez

29 - Juan de Barrios

30 - Sebastian Perera
Maria(?), wife
Tomas Antonio, son

31 - Juan Suarez

32 - Miguel Martin

33 - Juan Medina
Manuela Gonzales, wife
Antonio Josef, son

34 - Juan Antonio Sanchez
Francisca Martel (Masias)
Maria, daughter
Jose, son
Bartolome, son

35 - Salvador Milan
Antonia Aleman, wife
Maria, daughter
Melchora, daughter

36 - Josef Espino

37 - Francisco Suarez

38 - Pedro Barrero

39 - Joseph Charnero

40 - Juan Hernandez
Petrolina Sanchez, wife
Antonio Ysidoro, son

41 - Alonso Cerdena
Francisca Ortega (Zevallos), wife (1st)
Juan, son
Francisco, son
Maria, daughter
Jose, son
Maria de los Reyes, daughter
Pedro Antonio, son
Maria Zavallos, mother-in-law

42 - Manuel Garcia

43 - Vicente Sardina
Rita Cabrera, wife
Maria, daughter
Jose, son
Manuel Antonio Josef
Jean Mipomucene
Antonio Paulino
(possibly) Rosalie

44 - Thomas Collado
Maria Aleman, wife
Josefa Francisca, daughter
Thomas Antonio, son

45 - Josef Morales (2)

46 - Jose Bermudez
Maria Ramirez, wife
Catharina Antonia, daughter
Maria del Pino, daughter

47 - (Jose?) Antonio Rodriguez
Maria Jorge, wife
Jose Antonio, son
Juan Andres, son
Jose, son
Maria, daughter
Francisca, daughter
Francsico, son?

48 - Josef Gonzales Llano(?)
Maria Jorge, wife

49 - Pedro Martin

50 - Nicolas Hernandez

51 - Sebastian De Niz (Denis)
Josefa Suarez, wife

52 - Jose Angel Quintana
Agustina Monzon, wife
Maria, daughter
Catalina, daughter
Manuel, son
Diego, son

53 - Cristobal Ventura

54 - Juan Tilano
(1st) Micaela (Petrolina) Reyes Padilla , wife
Juan, son
Jose, son
Gaspar, son
Agustin, son
Maria, daughter
(2nd) Ana Alegria, wife
(3rd) Maria Morales, wife

55 - Antonio Santos

Other Isleno Settlers and Spanish Land Owners 
People documented as Islenos living in or around Galveztown as well as Spanish stationed at the fort and mentioned in church/civil records in 1779.   Based on church records, land records and tax records.  

56 - Jose Basilio
Ana Ysabel Riguen, wife
Rosalia Catharina, daughter

57 - Pedro Ramirez
Josepfa Pabalona (Josepha Padrona?)

58 - Luis Masias
Tomasa de Borges, wife
Miguel, son
Francisco, son
Jose, son
Francisca, daughter

59 - Tomas Mayor (possible)
Gregoria Sanchez, wife
Cristobal, son
Jose, son
Pedro, son
Catalina, daughter
Leonor, daughter
Maria Candelaria, daughter

60 - George Alonso (Mrs. Maria Jorge Llano?)

61 - Jose del Pino
(1st) Rita Monzon, wife
(2nd) Francisca Margarita Masias, wife
(3rd) Andrea Hortiz Romero, wife

62 - Francisco Masias
(1st) Maria Ysabel Hernandez, wife
(2nd) Angela Hernandez Sanchez, wife

63 - Lorenzo Morales
Josefa Rodriguez, wife
Francisco, son
Vicente, son
Miguel, son
Ines, daughter
Sebastiana, daughter

64 - Juan Jose Garcia Melchor
Josefa de los Santos (de la Cruz), wife
Maria del Buen Suseuro, daugther

65 - Guillermo Yaraberry (William Yabri)
(1st) Maria Philips, wife
(2nd) Maria Antonia Rodriguez

66 - Jacobo Baron

67 - Antonio Silva
(1st) Clara Poscas de Arvelo, wife
(2nd) Maria Suarez, wife
Maria, daughter

68 - Jose de Vera

69 - Juan Arison(?)

70 - Benito Fernandez
Ana Marie Martinez, wife

71- Jose Ramirez
Maria del Pino Sanchez, wife

72 - Juan Diaz
Rosalia Teresa Ramos, wife

73 - Antonio Gonzales
Francisca Zavallos (2nd)

74 - Romualdo Carmena
Josepha Morales, wife
Geronimo Antonio, son
Josepha Calasanz, daughter
Maria Praxedes, daughter

75 - Jose Bermudez
Maria Ramirez (Ramos), wife
Catalina, daughter
Maria Del Pino, daughter
Catherine Antonia, daughter
Marguerita Antonia, daughter
Maria, daughter

76 - Blas Aleman
Gregoria Sanchez, wife
Juan Aleman, son

77 - Julian Fonesca
Teresa Perera, wife

78 - Francisco La Cruz
Augustina Alvarez, wife

79 - Alexander Lopez
Maria Suarez, wife

80 - Francisco Ximeniz
Ana Martinez, wife

81 - Jose Antonio Silverio (???)
Maria Perez, wife (1st)
Julian, son
Pascual, son
Jose, son
Maria, daughter
Rosalia, daughter

82 - Fernando Alvarez
Phelipa Francisca Genera
Augustina, daughter

83 - Jose Gonzales Cavo

84 - Jose del Alamo
Francisca Dias [Diaz], wife
Bartolome, son
Catherine, daughter
Josepha Victoria, daughter
Leandro Josef, son
Margarita Rosalia, daughter
Maria, daughter
Nicolas Josef, son
Constancia, daughter

85 - Josef Alonso
Ana Maria, wife (1st)

86 - Francisco Ballestero
Ana Espino, wife

87 - Tomas Beltran
Catalina (Mendes) Gonzales, wife

88 - Simon Verde
Ana Sanchez, wife
Catalina, daughter
Josefa, daughter

89 - Josef Bizente Santana
Catalina Verde, wife
Juan Bautista, son

90 - Josef Crespo
Ana Romero, wife (2nd)

91 - Augustin Cabrera
Josefa Antonia Gil, wife
Maria Antonia, daughter

92 - Antonio Rafael de la Paz
Maria del Rosario (de Medina), wife
Antonio, son
Francisco, son
Antonio, son
Blas Antonio Ramon, son

93 - Bartolome Romero
Sebastiana Delgado, wife

94 - Josef Justo Diaz
Cathalina de Sena Ramirez

95 - Sebastian Delgado
Ysabel Montesdoca, wife

96 - Juan Diaz
Maria Viera, wife
Francisca, daughter
Gregorio Manuel, son

97 - Pedro San Pablo Diaz
Andrea Viera, wife

98 - Gregorio Duran
Ana Hidalgo, wife
Francisco, son
Miguel, son
Jose, son
Maria, daughter
Antonia, daughter

99 - Josef Escobar
Josefa Perera, wife

100 - Manuel Fernandez
Antonia Martin, wife

101 - Domingo Ximinez
Ynes, wife
Maria, daughter

102 - Jose Gonzales (1)
Maria Francisca Borges, wife
Josef, son
Maria del Pino, daughter

103 - Jose Gonzales (2)
Catarina de Leon, wife 

104 - Joaquin Gutierez
Ana Marie Suarez, wife

105 - Antonio Hernandez
Sebastiana Delgado, wife

106 - Juan Lopez
Maria Romano, wife
Juan, son

107 - Cristoval Mayor Hernandez

108 - Baltasar Martin
Rosalia Perez, wife,
Antonia, daughter
Maria, daughter
Andres, son
Leandro, son
Juan, son

109 - Patricio Melo
Sebastiana Morales, wife
Antonio Marcos, son
Patricio, son

110 - Cristobal Ramirez
Ana Caballero, wife
Jose, son
Catalina de Sena, daughter
Fernando, son
Pedro, son
Francisco, son
Maria, daughter
Ana, daughter

111 - Francisco Reyes

112 - Juan Antonio Reyes
Josefa Antonia, wife
Laurencia, daughter
Francisca, daughter
Antonio, son
Maria Ramona de las Mersedes, daughter

113 - Jose Antonio Rivero
Dominga Flores, wife
Tomasa, daughter
Francisco, son
Marie Louise, daughter
Paula Juana Viridiana, daughter
Maria Francisca, daughter

114 - Luis Reivera
Maria De La(?), wife
Josef Francisco, son 

115 - Fernando Rodriguez
Catarina Perera, wife
Ysabel Leonor, daughter

116 - Lorenzo de Cubas Romero
Lucia Sanchez, wife
Cristobal, son
Lorenzo, son
Antonio, son

117 - Antonio Siverio Pimental
Maria Jorge, wife
Marcial, daughter
Francisca, daughter
Pedro Francisco, son
Isabel, daughter
Ana Maria Suarez, stepdaughter
Bartolome Suarez, stepson

118 - Pablo Suarez
Teresa de Jesus, wife
Maria, daughter

119 - Nicolas Prado

120 - Manuel Villanueva
Maria Sebastiana Ramos, wife

121 - Juan Andres Rodriguez
Agustina Rodriguez, wife
Bernardo Leonisio, son
Francisco Antonio, son

122 - Fabian Ramos
Maria Viera, wife
Antonio Josef, son
Rosalia Teresa, daughter
Maria Modesta, daughter

English-Speaking 2nd Milita Company of Galveztown[1]
Some of those possibly from the British settlement of Canewood.  Canewood was located near Fort Graham (aka. Amite River Post which served primarily as a warehouse for English engineer Louis Graham), situated north of Galveztown, along the east side of the Amite River in British West Florida. 

1 - Luis Deves (poss. Louis Davis)

2 - Leandro Deves (poss. Leander Davis)

3 - Mr. Wet (poss. William Webb)

4 - Mr. Morris

5 - Mr. Bernat

6 - Mr Reeli

7 - Mr. Gulvi

8 - Mr. Guillermo (William Yarabrough / Guillelmo Yabri???)

9 - Jayne Nikolson (Cpt. James Nicholson)

10 - Meo Gre (Mayo Gray of Gray's Creek)

11 - Mr. Huescat (poss. family of Sale Huescot of Carolina)

12 - Genaro Nikolson

13 - Mr. Escot (poss. family of Sale Huescot of Carolina)

14 - Mr Reynals

15 - Mr Paquer

16 - Mr Simon

Others At Galveztown[5]
Non-Hispanic families and individuals living inside or near Galveztown[3,7,8]

1 - Francisco Bony

2 - Jorge Brun(?)

3 - William Yarabrough (possibly son of James Smith Yarabrough???)

4 - Adam Sides

5 - Santiago McAlpine(?)

6 - Augustin Lombardo

7 - Anthony Rausman

8 - Francis Rausman

9 - Zacharia Smith

10 - Edme Elisabelt(?) Perrin

11 - Jacob Espelle

12 - Sale Huescot

13 - Leo Leonardo(?)

14 - Isabel Craus

15 - Jayme Yabre (James Smith Yarabrough of Natchez)
Maria, wife
Guillelmo Yabri (William Yarabrough), son

16 - Maria Philip

17 - Lorenzo Esticher

18 - Ana Rich

19 - Benjamin Uber

20 - Ana Rudman

21 - Abraham Philip (of Pennsylvania)

22 - Sara (Rosalia) Veli (of New York)

23 - John Smith (of New York)

24 - Santiago [Jacques] Tallar (of Acadie)
Catalina Ross, wife
Maria del Carmen Tallar, daughter

25 - John Obenaeiseer

26 - James Adams

27 - Jose Solisian(?)

28 - Jaime Nicolas

29 - Joseph Leblanc

30 - Daniel Connel

31 - Baptista Esvent(?)

32 - Vilian Fabre

33 - Yane Fabre

34 - Jayme Kaly [James McKelpe]

35 - Frederico Kilton

36 - Marcos de Villiers

37 - Madame. Nicolas

On libre, but not found elsewhere in GAL

Domingo Hernandez?

Manuel Nunez?

Angel Hernandez?

Andres Dominguez?

Domingo Diaz?

Lorenzo Lopez?

Juan Leon Rodriguez?

Josef Alesandro Perez?

Lucas Gonzales?

Lorenza Azapito Herrera?

Juan Manuel Plasencia?

Martin Hernandez?

Francisco Barcelona?

Salvador Ramirez?

Felipe Mercedes?

Josef Romero?

Salvador Viera?

Juan Sanchez?

Mauricio Garcia Melchora?


Antonio Manuel Navarro?

Pablo Esteves

Antonio Barroso?

Cristobal Mendoza?

Gregoria Gonzalez?

Julian Buno?

Josef Robera?

Juan Angel?


  1. Roster of the First Company and Second Company of Galveztown. June 16, 1779 - June 27, 1779.  Archivo General de Indias. Papeles de Cuba, Legajo 2351. Reprinted in Annual Report Of The American Historical Association For The Year 1945.  Kinnaird, Lawrence. "Spain In The Mississippi Valley, 1765-1794." Vol II. US Government Printing, Washington, DC. 1949.
  2. Yndice de las familias Yslenas qe. han de establecer la Nueva Poblacion de Galveztown," No. 1, Libro Maestro, Archivo General de Indias. Papeles de Cuba, Legajo 568. 
  3. Registro de las Tierras Concedidas por los Senores Govennadones a los abitantes de este Districto de Galveztown con expersion de los arpanes que cadauno tiene.  February 8, 1804.  1804 Census of Galveztown. Copied by Judy Riffel.  Iberville Parish Courthouse, Plaquemine, Louisiana.  Conveyance Book B. 
  4. Galveztown Census, August 16, 1793, AGI, PPC
  5. Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.  v3 - v7.
  6. Emilie G. Leumas, archivist, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Department of Archives, v2 & v3
  7. Township Survey of 1832.  John Gilmore. "Southeastern District of Louisiana.  East of the Mississippi River."  T.8S R.3E.
  8. Galveztown Papers, Mss. 890, Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Collections, LSU Libraries, Baton Rouge, La

Saturday, March 18, 2023

"San Carlos"

"San Carlos" by Gilbert Din[3]

After the war began, Lieutenant Colonel Andres Amat de Tortosa waited anxiously for the convoy to arrive from Cádiz in order to send the remaining emigrants.  But as the months stretched out and expenses mounted, he decided to dispatch the remaining 99 recruits and their families, 368 persons in all, on three small vessels.

Two brigantines belonged to Bartolomé Montañez, the San Carlos, which carried 47 recruits, 159 persons in all, under Sergeant First Class Josef Martínez Rubio and the San Pedro, with 35 recruits and a total of 119 passengers, under Corporal Juan Jardin.  The brig belonging to Francisco Suárez de Miranda, the Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, carried only 17 recruits, 89 passengers in all, under Lieutenant Esteban Botino de Echevarria.  

The San Carlos departed Santa Cruz de Tenerife on May 8, 1780.  The English captured the San Carlos in the Caribbean and brought its passengers to the island of Tortola in the British Virgin Islands.  After escaping the island, the families arrived at the plaza in Puerto Rico on July 17, 1780 in which they received rations for the next several months.  They finally arrived in Havana in December 29, 1780 where they remained almost three years.  By 1783, almost all of the families continued the voyage to Louisiana sailing on either the Margarita or the Santísima Trinidad.

NOTE:  The legajo contained two separate ship lists for the San Carlos: the first in Santa Cruz on May 8, 1780 and the second in a plaza in Puerto Rico on July 17, 1780.  Between the two lists, certain family members are missing or deceased. In certain cases, names and dates were transcribed erroneously. 

Relation of the Recruits, Single and Married With Their Families, Who Embarked for Havana in the Brigantine San Carlos for the Louisiana Infantry Regiment.  May 8, 1780.  Commanded by Sergeant First Class Josef Martinez Rubio.   44 bachelors and families, consisting of 47 recruits.1   

Provided by researcher Jimmy Faust, descendent of the Guerra / Rodriguez families and member of the Los Islenos Heritage and Cultural Society of St. Bernard.[1]  

MAR = Continued the journey to Louisiana on the Margarita in 1783
TRI = Continued the journey to Louisiana on the Santísima Trinidad in 1783
HV = Possibly remained in Havana after 1783
TOR = Possibly remained on the island of Tortola, British Virgin Islands before July of 1780.

(Sargento) Josef Martinez Rubio


1 - Alonso Ulloa [HV]
Theresa Tarquino (Aquino), wife
Lucas, son
Josef, son
*Antonio, son

2 - Josef Ramirez [MAR]
Juana Perez, wife
Diego, son, 5
Maria, daughter, 3
Ysavel, daughter, 2
Juana, daughter, 1

3 - Lorenzo Diaz [HV]
Josefa Suarez Navarro, wife
Francisco, son, 5
Bartolome, son, 2
Josef, son, 14 mo

4 - Dn. Pedro Leon de Gony [HV]
Da. Barbara Rodriguez, mother
Da. Barbara, sister
Dn. Manuel, brother

5 - Andres Diaz Granada [TOR]

6 - Simon Hernandez [HV]

7 - Felipe Gonzales de Fuentes [MAR]
Antonia Guia, wife
Francisca, daughter, 14

8 - Josef Antonio Quintana [MAR]
Maria Perera, wife
Maria, daughter, 4
Josefa, daughter, 1

9 - Domingo Amaro [TRI]
Ysavel de Torres, wife

10 - Josef Joachin Simeon [HV]
Juana Caro, mother
Josefa, sister

11 - Manuel Hernandez Claro [MAR]
Cathalina Maria, wife
Maria, daughter, 14
Blacina, daughter, 10
Antonia, daughter, 9
Josef, son, 4

12 - Francisco de la Mar [TRI]
Margarita Melian, wife
Francisco, son (recruit)
Sevastian, son (recruit)
Josefa, daughter, 18
Rosa, daughter, 10
Marcelina, daughter, 9
Juana, daughter, 6
Domingo, son, 4

13 - Julian Lopez [MAR]
Maria Trabieso, wife
Ana, daughter, 23

14 - Christoval Angulo [HV]
Maria de la Pena, wife

15 - Manuel Antonio Damasio [HV]
Cathalina Mendosa, wife

16 - Juan de Acosta [MAR]
Lucia Ravelo, wife

17 - Pedro de Mesa [TOR]
Cathalina Luisa, wife
Manuel, son, 14
Maria, daughter, 6
Manuel, son, 4

18 - Domingo Alvares [TOR]
Getudis (Getrudes) Maria, wife
Antonia Riso, sister

19 - Antonio Perez [TRI]
Josefa Suarez, wife
Maria, daughter, 5
Juan, son, 9 mo

20 - Nicolas Tolentino Aguilar [TRI]
Juana Gonzales, wife
Angela, daughter, 12
Antonia, daughter, 8
Maria, daughter, 7 mo

21 - Miguel Sanabria [TRI]
Cathalina Sanchez, wife
Maria, daughter
Angela, daughter

22 - Marcos Sanabria [TRI]
Antonia Maria, wife

23 - Pedro Hernandez [MAR]
Tomasa Rodriguez, wife
Christoval, son, 16
Gaspar, son, 13
Pedro, son, 4
Francisco, son, 1
Francisca, daughter, 11
Josefa, daughter, 9

24 - Josef Antonio Gonzales [MAR]
Antonia Garcia, wife

25 - Josef de la Rosa [HV]
Maria Candalaria, wife
Maria, daughter, 2 mo

26 - Josef Marrero [MAR]
Maria del Carmen, wife
Luis, son (recruit)
Josefa, daughter, 11
Pedro, son, 10
Maria, daughter, 4
Josef, son, 3
Vicenta, daughter, 14

27 - Domingo Garcia Sosa [TRI]
Micaela Antonia, wife
Manuel Josef, son, 3 mo
Maria, sister, 18

28 - Gaspar Rodriguez [HV]
Maria Molina, wife

29 - Juan de Leon [HV]
Cathalina Perez, wife
Josefa, daughter, 18
Maria, daughter, 16

30 - Santiago de Leon [HV]
Maria Perez, wife

31 - Marcial Garcia [HV]
Rafaela Martin, wife
Salvador, son, 6
Domingo, son, 7
Rosalia, daughter, 3

32 - Francisco Campos [MAR]
Maria Ledesma, wife
Manuel, son, 3 mo

33 - Francisco Ledesma [HV]
Maria Francesca, mother

34 - Antonio de Evora [HV]
Rita Perez, wife

35 - (Domingo de la Encarnació?)

36 - Antonio Ynfante
Maria de Lima, wife [MAR]
Antonia, daughter, 14
Francisca, daughter, 9
Dominga, daughter, 7
Juan, son, 4
Maria, daughter, 18

37 - Juan Perdomo [HV]
Maria Gonzales, wife
Josef, son, 11
Lucas, son, 9

38 - Domingo Rodriguez Ramos [TRI]
Gabriela Morales, wife
Josef, son, 15
*Pedro, son, 14
Maria, daughter, 11
Juana, daughter, 7
Antonia, daughter, 6

39 - Bartolome Rodriguez
Petra Margarita del Castillo, wife [TRI]
Manuel, son, 10
Antonio, son, 6
Domingo, son, 3
Maria, daughter, 4 mo

40 - Luis Martel de Bargas [MAR]
Juana Antonia, mother

41 - Antonio Rodriguez [MAR]
Maria Navarro, wife
Alonso, son, 5
Francisco, son, 3
Juana, daughter, 10
Ana, daughter, 1

42 - Agustin Socorro [TOR]

43 - Josef Ojeda [MAR]
Ursula Rodriguez, wife
Eugenio, son, 2 mo

44 - Manuel del Pino [HV]
Maria Alvarez, wife
Andres, son, 5
Manuel, son, 3

List of the single and married recruiters of the aforementioned regiment that with their families are in this Plaza under the charge of the sergeant below (for having escaped from the island of Tortola, having been prisoners of the British nation) bound for Havana and Louisiana.  July 17, 1780.2   

Provided by Jimmy Faust, descendent of the Guerra / Rodriguez families and member of the Los Islenos Heritage and Cultural Society of St. Bernard.[1]  

MAR = Continued the journey to Louisiana on the Margarita in 1783
TRI = Continued the journey to Louisiana on the Santísima Trinidad in 1783
HV = Possibly remained in Havana after 1783
TOR = Possibly remained on the island of Tortola, British Virgin Islands before July of 1780.

(Sargento) Josef Martinez Rubio


1 - Alonso Ulloa [HV]
Theresa Aquino, wife
*Antonia, daughter, 9
Lucas, son, 5
Josef, son, 4

2 - Josef Ramirez [MAR]
Diego, son, 7
Maria, daughter, 5
Ysavel, daughter, 2

3 - Lorenzo Diaz [HV]
Josefa Navarro, wife
Francisco, son, 7
Bartolome, son, 4
Josef, son, 2

4 - Pedro Leon de Gony [HV]
Barbara Rodriguez, mother
Barbara, sister, 18
Manuel, brother, 13

5 - Felipe Gonzales de Fuentes [MAR]
Antonia de Aguilar, wife

6 - Josef Antonio Quintana [MAR]
Maria de Gracia, wife
Maria, daughter, 5
Josef, son, 2

7 - Manuel Hernandez Claro [MAR]
Catalina Maria, wife
Maria, daughter, 14
Antonia, daughter, 9
Josefa, daughter, 8

8 - Juan de Acosta [MAR]
Lucia Rabelo, wife
Josef, son, 1 mo

9 - Miguel Sanabria [TRI]
Catalina Sanchez, wife
Maria, daughter, 10
Angela, daughter, 5

10 - Francisco de la Mar [TRI]
Margarita Melian, wife
Francisco, son (recruit)
Sevastian, son (recruit)
Rosa, daughter, 15
Marcelina, daughter, 13
Juana, daughter, 9
Domingo, son, 6

11 - Marcos Sanabria [TRI]
Antonia Maria, wife

12 - Josef Antonio Gonzales [MAR]
Antonia Garcia, wife

13 - Josef de la Rosa [HV]
Maria Candalaria, wife
Maria, daughter, 7 mo

14 - Josef Marrero [MAR]
Maria del Carmen, wife
Luis, son (recruit)
Vicenta, daughter, 16
Pedro, son, 12
Josefa, daughter, 7
Maria, daughter, 5
Josef, son, 3

15 - Domingo Garcia Sosa [TRI]
Micaela Rodriguez, wife
Manuel, son, 1 mo

16 - Juan de Leon [HV]
Catalina Morales, wife
Josefa, daughter, 18
Maria, daughter, 15

17 - Antonio de Evora [HV]
Rita Perez, wife

18 - Antonio Ynfante 
Maria de Lima, wife [MAR]
Maria, daughter, 18
Antonia, daughter, 14
Francisca, daughter, 10
Dominga, daughter, 8
Juan, son, 5

19 - Domingo Amaro [TRI]
Ysavel Maria, wife
Josef, son, 1

20 - Josef Joachin Simeon [HV]
Juana Caro, mother
Josefa, sister, 18

21 - Juan Perdomo [HV]
Maria Sosa, wife
Josef, son, 12
Lucas, son, 10

22 - Luis Martel [MAR]
Juana de Acosta, mother

23 - Antonio Rodriguez [MAR]
Maria Navarro, wife
Juana, daughter, 12
Alonso, son, 7
Francisco, son, 5
Ana, daughter, 2

24 - Manuel del Pino [HV]
Maria Marrero, wife
Andres, son, 6
Manuel, son, 4

25 - Simon Hernandez [HV]

26 - Julian Lopez [MAR]
Maria Traveso, wife
Ana, daughter, 22

27 - Manuel Damasio [HV]
Catalina Antonia, wife

28 - Antonio Perez [TRI]
Josefa Suarez, wife
Maria, daughter, 5
Juan, son, 10 mo

29 - Nicolas Tolentino [TRI]
Angela, daughter, 13
Antonia, daughter, 9
Maria, daughter, 1

30 - Domingo Rodriguez Ramos [TRI]
Gabriela Morales, wife
*Rosa, daughter, 14
Maria, daughter, 11
Juana, daughter, 7
Antonia, daughter, 6

31 - Gaspar Rodriguez [HV]
Maria Molina, wife

32 - Francisco Campos [MAR]
Maria Ledesma, wife
**Tomasa, daughter, 9 mo

33 - Francisco Ledesma [HV]
Maria Rocio, mother

34 - Bartolome Rodriguez 
Petra del Castillo, wife [TRI]
Manuel, son, 14
Domingo, son, 11
Antonio, son, 9
Maria, daughter, 1

35 - Pedro Hernandez [MAR]
Tomasa Rodriguez, wife
Christoval, son, 17
Francisca, daughter, 13
Josefa, daughter, 11
Pedro, son, 5
Francisco, son, 3

36 - Josef Ojeda [MAR]
Ursula Antonia, wife
Eugenio, son, 1 mo

37 - Marcial Garcia [HV]
Rafaela Francisca, wife
Salvador, son, 7
Rosalia, daughter, 5
Maria, daughter, 1

38 - Santiago de Leon [HV]
Maria Perez, wife

39 - Antonia Maria, Widow of Christoval Angulo (Maria de la Pena from 1st list) [HV]

*conflicting names
** conflicting ages


  1. Relation of the Recruits, Single and Married With Their Families, Who Embarked for Havana in the Brigantine San Carlos for the Louisiana Infantry Regiment. May 8, 1780.  Archivo General de Indias - Audiencia de Santo Domingo, Seville, Spain. Santa Cruz, S de mayo de 1780. Legajo 2.662.  Reprinted in La Participacion Canaria En La Formacion Y Reclutamiento Del Batallon De Luisiana by Miguel Molina Martinez. p220.  Researched by Jimmy Faust, descendent of the Guerra / Rodriguez families and member of the Los Islenos Heritage and Cultural Society of St. Bernard.
  2. List of the single and married recruiters of the aforementioned regiment that with their families are in this Plaza under the charge of the sergeant below (for having escaped from the island of Tortola, having been prisoners of the British nation) bound for Havana and Louisiana.  July 17, 1780.   Archivo General de Indias - Papeles Procedentes de Cuba, Seville, Spain.  Legajo 689.  Researched by Jimmy Faust, descendent of the Guerra / Rodriguez families and member of the Los Islenos Heritage and Cultural Society of St. Bernard.
  3. Gilbert C. Din, The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Press. p20

Francisco Campos & Maria Ledesma

 Name: Francisco (de) Campos
Ship: San Carlos

Wife: Maria (Francisca) Ledesma


Francisco left Santa Cruz, Tenerife in May 8, 1780 sailing on San Carlos with his wife Maria and son Manuel.1,2 The English captured the San Carlos in the Caribbean and brought its passengers to the island of Tortola in the British Virgin Islands.  After escaping the island, Francisco arrived at the plaza in Puerto Rico on July 17, 1780 with his wife Maria and daughter Tomasa.  He is listed in the rations in Puerto Rico of November of 1780 and December 1780.3,4  After several months at the plaza, Francisco finally arrived in Havana in December 29, 1780.
NOTE: Manuel, age 3 months, is listed on the May 1780 ship list.  Manuel is not listed on the July 1780 ship list and is assumed deceased.  Tomasa is listed on the July 1780 ship list, however, her age of 9 months is in question since she's not listed on the May 1780 ship list.

The family stayed in Havana and nearby Regla until 1783, waiting for permission to continue the journey to Louisiana due to the war.2 After the war, he left Havana for New Orleans with his wife Maria on the packet boat Margarita on July 28, 1783 and landed in New Orleans.1  They resided in the St. Bernard settlement and is listed on the 1783 St. Bernard "libro meastro".8    
NOTE:  Tomasa is not listed on the Margarita ship list and is assumed deceased.


  1. Manuel (b.1780?)
  2. Tomasa (b. 1780?)
  3. Pedro (b. Aug. 6, 1783)
Son Pedro was born on August 6, 1783 at the Terre-Aux-Boeuf settlement and baptized on September 4, 1783 at St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans.4    

Francisco possibly remarried Leonora de Cubas.  He died November 4, 1813.9  
NOTE: Francisco de Campos, son of Domingo de Campos and Maria de la Ascencion [Concepcion] of Lanzerote, married to Leonora de Cubas, may be the same as Francisco de Campos, originally married to Maria Francisca Ledesma.  More information is needed to verify.


  1. Francisco Estevan (b. Aug. 3, 1802)
  2. Antonio Alonso (b. Jul. 6, 1803)
  3. Maria Candelaria (b. Nov. 21, 1805)
  4. Francisco Joaquin (b. Jan. 20, 1808)
Son Francisco Estevan was born on August 3, 1802 at St. Bernard and baptized on August 4, 1802 at St. Bernard.5   

Son Antonio was born July 6, 1803 at St. Bernard and baptized on August 1, 1803 at St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans.5  He married Maria Delphina Molero on February 11, 1822 at St. Bernard.10  

Daughter Maria Candelaria was born November 21, 1805 at St. Bernard and baptized on December 1, 1805 at St. Bernard.6  

Son Francisco Juaquin was born January 20, 1808 at St. Bernard and baptized on February 14, 1808 at St. Bernard.7  


  1. Gilbert C. Din, The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Press.
  2. Relation of the Recruits, Single and Married With Their Families, Who Embarked for Havana in the Brigantine San Carlos for the Louisiana Infantry Regiment. May 8, 1780.  Archivo General de Indias - Audiencia de Santo Domingo, Seville, Spain. Santa Cruz, S de mayo de 1780. Legajo 2.662.  Reprinted in La Participacion Canaria En La Formacion Y Reclutamiento Del Batallon De Luisiana by Miguel Molina Martinez. p220.  Researched by Jimmy Faust.
  3. Infantry Regiment of the Louisiana Folder that includes the value of each one of forty positions of the same number of recruits of the said Regiment that supplies in Puerto Rico in the four months prior to the date.  Archivo General de Indias - Papeles Procedentes de Cuba, Seville, Spain.  Legajo 689, p258, p292.  
  4. Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.  Vol 3, p44
  5. Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.  Vol 7, p78
  6. Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.  Vol 8, p49
  7. Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.  Vol 9, p57
  8. Libro Maestro. Terre-Aux-Boeuf. 1783.
  9. St. Bernard Parish Courthouse, Chalmette, LA.  Notarial Acts of Judges David Harper and Pierre Allard of St. Bernard from 1813-1818.  10 July 1813.  p.12. 
  10. Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.  Vol 15, p64

Monday, March 6, 2023

Jose Hidalgo & Isabel Sambrana

Name: Jose (Romero) Hidalgo
Ship: San Ignacio de Loyola
Birth: 1746 - Agüimes, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain
Father: Francisco Hidalgo Pérez[5] 
Mother: Gregoria Rodríguez Falcón[5]  

Wife: Isabel (Morales) Sambrana [Zambrana]
Father: Gregorio Morales Viera[5]
Mother: Antonia Macías Déniz[5]



Jose married Isabel Morales Sambrana, daughter of Gregorio Morales Viera and Antonia Macías Déniz, on August 18, 1767 at the Church of San Sebastián in Agüimes, Gran Canaria.6  

Jose left Santa Cruz, Tenerife in 29 Oct 1778 sailing on the San Ignacio de Loyola and landed in New Orleans on Jan 9, 1779 with his wife Isabel and children Gregorio, Francisca and Juan.1   He resided at the Barataria settlement.7 

The Barataria settlers suffered great hardships and many requested to leave for other nearby Isleño settlements in Louisiana.  In 1782, the "libro" notes that this family was moved to the Valenzuela settlement.7  

Jose and Isabel are listed in the Spanish census of 1788 along Bayou Lafourche next to Pedro Caballero and Juan de Aleman.8  Jose died and was buried on March 27, 1815 in Donaldsonville, Louisiana.3  Isabel died May 18, 1800 and was buried May 19, 1800.2


  1. Gregorio (b.1768)
  2. Francisca[?] (b.1769)
  3. Juan Ignacio (b.1777)
  4. Josef Antonio de los Reyes (b.1784)
Son Gregorio married Louisa Hernandez, daughter of Bartolome Hernandez and Isabel Mendez, on July 28, 1800 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.2  They continued to have children at the Valenzuela settlement. He died and buried October 1, 1827 in Donaldsonville.9  

Son Francisco married Maria Diaz, daughter of Antonio Diaz and Maria Truxillo, at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.2  They continued to have children at the Valenzuela settlement.
NOTE:  Francisco is not listed on the ship list.  It is possible that Francisca, listed as a daughter, was transcribed erroneously.
Son Juan married Maria Hernandez, daughter of Bartolome Hernandez and Isabel Mendez, on July 28, 1800 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.2  They continued to have children at the Valenzuela settlement.  He died and was buried on September 6, 1811 in Donaldsonville, Louisiana.3  

Son Joseph married Philippa Rodriguez, daughter of Ferdinand Rodriguez and Maria Perera, on October 19, 1807 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement. They continued to have children at the Valenzuela settlement.


  1. Gilbert C. Din, The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Press
  2. Emilie G. Leumas, archivist, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Department of Archives, v2, p385-386
  3. Emilie G. Leumas, archivist, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Department of Archives, v3, p441-443
  4. General Census of the Inhabitants Established in Lafourche 1791, Legajo 202, p153, Archivo General de Indias - Papeles Procedentes de Cuba, Seville, Spain.  Reprinted in Albert J. Robichaux, Jr., compiler, Colonial Settlers along Bayou Lafourche Louisiana Census Records 1770-1798, 532 Manhattan Boulevard, Harvey, Louisiana 70058, 
  5. Research in Aguimes by Cristina López-Trejo Díaz.  Reprinted in Genealogias Canarias, MARTES, 9 DE OCTUBRE DE 2012.
  6. Iglesia de San Sebastián in Agüimes, Gran Canaria. Book of Marriages 4. Folio 300. 
  7. "Libro Maestro P. sentar el cargo del dano. de la nueba Pob. Barataria". Legajo 548. Papeles de Cuba, AGI..  Reprinted in Historic Land Use Study Of A Portion Of The Barataria Unit Of The Jean Lafitte National Historical Park by Betsy Swanson. Part 1. January 15, 1988. 
  8. General Census of the Inhabitants Established in Lafourche 1788, Legajo 201, Archivo General de Indias - Papeles Procedentes de Cuba, Seville, Spain. Reprinted in Albert J. Robichaux, Jr., compiler, Colonial Settlers along Bayou Lafourche Louisiana Census Records 1770-1798, 532 Manhattan Boulevard, Harvey, Louisiana 70058.
  9. Emilie G. Leumas, archivist, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Department of Archives, v4, p289-290

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Francisco Domingo Zerpa

Name: Francisco Domingo Zerpa
Ship: El Sagrado Corazon de Jesus
Birth: August 6, 1758 - Agüimes, Gran Canaria
Father: Gaspar De Los Reyes Zerpas
Mother: Ana Suarez
Death: March 16, 1830 - St. Bernard, Louisiana

Brother: Gaspar Zerpa



Francisco Domingo Zerpa was the son of Gaspar Los Reyes Zerpas and Ana Suarez of Agüimes, Gran Canaria.  His father is listed as Gaspar Zerpa Castro and his mother is listed as Ana Suarez Gonzalez in the AGI archives.3  Ana was the daughter of Gaspar Gonzalez and Francisca Jeronina Aguiar.  Gaspar and Ana were married in 1756 and Gaspar died before 1779.3,4

Francisco left Santa Cruz, Tenerife in June 5, 1779 sailing on El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús and landed in Havana, Cuba on July 25, 1779.1,2   He arrived in Havana, Cuba with his mother and brother.

The family stayed in Havana and nearby Regla until 1783, waiting for permission to continue the journey to Louisiana due to the war.2 After the war, he left Havana for New Orleans with his mother Ana and brother Gaspar on the packet boat Santisima Trinidad on Aug 7, 1783 and landed in New Orleans.  They resided in the St. Bernard settlement and is listed on the St. Bernard "libro meastro".  .

Francisco married Francisca De La Cruz Gonzales Ximenez on July 7, 1784 at the St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans.  In the records, he is listed as "Francisco Domingo Betancur", named after his grandfather Antonio Zerpa Betancourt.7  He is listed in the 1810 and 1820 US census with all of this children next to his son Antonio.5  

NOTE: In Villere's book, his name can be found spelled "Francisco Domingo Zupa".1   In the original ship list for El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, it also lists his brother Gaspar.   In the ship list for Santisima Trinidad, it lists all three family members.

NOTE: Catalina Serpas, married to Antonio Flores, has not been confirmed as a relative of Francisco.



  1. (Juana)
  2. Antonio Manuel (b.May 26, 1785)
  3. (Ramon)
  4. Joseph (b.1791)
  5. Matheo (b.1795)
  6. (Francisca)
  7. (Francisco)
  8. Juan (b.1800)
  9. Maria Candelaria (b.March 13, 1802)
Son Antonio was born at the Terre-Aux-Boeuf settlement on May 26, 1785 and baptized at St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans on April 21, 1785.6   He married Marie Guttierez.  He is listed in the 1810 US census with his father Francisco.5  

Son Ramon married Rosa Esteves.

Son Joseph was born in 1791 at the Terre-Aux-Boeuf settlement.9  

Son Matheo was born about 1795.  He died August 21, 1814 and was buried September 1, 1814 at the St. Bernard church in St. Bernard.11  

Daughter Maria Candelaria was born March 13, 1802 and baptized March 21, 1802 at the St. Bernard church in St. Bernard.8   

NOTE: Juanna, Ramon, Francisca, and Juan are listed in various baptisms of Francisco's grandchildren and/or listed in various US census records. 


  1. Sidney Louis Villere, The Canary Islands Migration to Louisiana, 1778-1783. the History and Passenger Lists of the Islenos Volunteer Recruits and Their Families. 
  2. Gilbert C. Din, The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Press.
  3. Sale document.  Dated 21 May 1779.   Archivo General de Indias. Seville, Spain. Albert Serpas. 
  4. Archivo General de Indias. Seville, Spain.  Libro 4, Folio 216.
  5. 1810 and 1820 US Census
  6. Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.  Vol 4, p322.
  7. Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.  Vol 4, p29
  8. Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.  Vol 7, p67
  9. Claudel, Calvin A. "Tombs of Historical Interest in the Saint Bernard Cemetery".  Printed in The Louisiana Historical Quarterly. Volume 38, 1969. p357
  10. Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.  Vol 8, p239
  11. Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.  Vol 11, p399
See also: Research by Faneque Hernández Bautista and Juan Ramón.  Provided by Albert Serpas. 

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Valenzuela Settlement (1778 - 1804)

Parroquia de la Ascensión, 1782


The first Isleños arrived in November of 1778, and Galvez promptly ordered the construction of the four colonies and subsequently transferred the families from New Orleans. Related families were typically sent to the same colony. A few Isleños also joined a contemporary settlement of Spanish families from Malaga at the Attakapas Post. Work on Valenzuela began in the spring of 1779. Its population was similar to the other colonies insofar as it contained passengers from every ship.

Valenzuela received reinforcements during the initial years after its founding. Soldiers released from duty in 1779 married and settled in Valenzuela. The Spanish government transferred eighty colonists (nineteen families) from Barataria to Valenzuela in 1780, bringing the total Isleño population to thirty-nine families by 1781. The colony received an additional eleven families in late 1782. The population of Valenzuela at the end of 1782 is thought to be approximately two hundred colonists comprising fifty Isleño families.

In Valenzuela’s first year, the Isleños lived in an encampment consisting of ten small cabins constructed by Anselme Blanchard, a local resident of Acadian descent. The village was located about one-half mile from the east bank of Bayou Lafourche on the present Belle Alliance Plantation, about nine miles from the Mississippi River. The governor ordered that land along Bayou Lafourche be allocated (ownership was not granted) to the Isleños. These parcels consisted of three or four arpents (about 800 feet) fromage by the “usual depth” of forty arpents. The Isleños eventually built houses on their farms and abandoned the village.

Although Louis Judice possessed authority at Lafourche des Chetimachas, Galvez appointed Antonio de St. Maxent, a Spanish officer, to command Valenzuela. This led to continual conflict until his departure in 1781. Anselme Blanchard replaced St. Maxent. Judice and Blanchard were later accused of impropriety in the conduct of community affairs. Nicholas Verret Jr. a descendent of Jacques Cantrelle, replaced Blanchard in 1784. Cantrelle served longer than any other commandant.

Farm yields were chronically insufficient due to natural disasters that forced the Valenzuelans to request food subsidies during the early years (1779-1783). This precipitated the ordering of a property survey in late 1781 to determine the needs of the colony.  The census in Legajo 192 identifies forty-six families and enumerates one hundred seventy-four persons. One hundred forty-six (thirty-nine families) were Isleños.  The population diminished during the early years when a few inhabitants abandoned the colony. The most likely cause of attrition was death. Storms and flooding damaged the colony during the early years causing hardships and set-backs. An analysis of the information from the passenger lists and the census suggests that almost one in five of the Isleños perished during the first three years. Life during the early years was undoubtedly difficult. Commandant St. Maxent reported that all members of two families died in 1779 and that sickness was common.

The census ranks the settlers in order of importance. Those who head the list are the wealthiest and presumably the most influential. These “elite,” however, were not Isleños , but most likely existing residents of La Fourche des Chetimachas. Francisco Gonzales Corbo was the first and most prominent Isleños at Valenzuela. The last Isleño on the list is José Dias. He was a soldier who married Corbo’s daughter and settled in Valenzuela after the Manchac campaign.

The houses of Valenzuela were described by nineteenth century observers as being fifteen by thirty feet, with a veranda in front and two windows per side but no floors. Fourteen Isleño families owned houses. Those without houses presumably lived in those built by Blanchard in 1779, and this suggests that the typical house in the original village contained eight or nine people. This figure is consistent with an occupancy of two families per house ordered by Galvez.

In 1785, a second group of French immigrants, primarily the second-generation descendants of expelled Acadians living in Brittany, settled on Bayou Lafourche south of the Spanish settlement. The Spanish and French communities were in immediate contact, living as neighbors and attending the same church, but cultural diffusion did not occur for many decades. The boundary between French and Spanish settlers was located near the Catholic Church in the present community of Plattenville, Louisiana, on the east bank of Bayou Lafourche.

By 1790, Valenzuela meant a district south of Lafourche des Chetimachas, beginning about nine miles from the Mississippi River and extending to the Gulf of Mexico. It included the combined communities of the Isleños and the Acadians. In 1793, a new parish divided the Spanish community. The Isleños living on the west bank remained in Ascension Parish, whereas most living on the east bank became part of the newly formed Assumption Parish.

The static Valenzuelans diluted their wealth through confined population expansion. Few Spanish families removed the legacy of poverty of their immigrant ancestors. From 1804 until 1820, they continued their almost utmoticed way of life based on subsistence agriculture. Only two Spanish families were known to acquire wealth: the Truxillo and the Vives families.

By 1830, the culture and economy of Valenzuela were rapidly changing from numerous small farms to large, American-owned and slave—operated sugar plantations. The Spanish family farm was therefore transfigured into larger and different units and the culture of the region altered by their displacement. A few of the “petite inhabitants,” the Creoles and Acadians, remained behind as plantation employees, but most departed forever. The advent of the plantation economy was, therefore, the cause of the physical disintegration of Valenzuela.

The numerous ancient records in the Assumption Parish Courthouse attest to the dissolution of the deceased Valenzuelans’ homesteads. Here can be observed the sales of family farms, obtained from earlier generations, and the distribution of the now meager wealth to the plentiful survivors according to Louisiana’s inheritance laws. Having casually exchanged their inheritances for cash, the Spanish moved eighty arpents from the bayou fronts where less expensive but inferior land was available to continue a subsistence existence. These new communities, known as "brules", persisted into modern times. Many Spanish descendants moved to the Attakapas region where the land was superior, yet others settled in lower Terrebonne Parish. These new communities eventually adopted the French culture. The Spanish community, unchanging until the end, completely disappeared from Bayou Lafourche before the Civil War.

Known Isleño Settlers of Valenzuela in 1781[1] 
Contains settlers between 1779 and 1781, many who were previously settled at Barataria originally

1 - Francisco Gonzales Corbo (Carbo)
Andrea Ruiz, wife
Cecilia, daughter
Lorenza, daughter
Maria, daughter
Rita, daughter
Andrea, daughter
Jose, son
Agustin, son
Domingo, son
Juana, daughter

2 - Angel Quintana
Agustina Monzon, wife
Maria, daughter
Catalina, daughter
Manuel, son
Diego, son

3 - Bartolome Marrero
Josefa Sosa, wife
Tomasa, daughter
Maria, daughter
Catalina, daughter

4 - Salvador Luis Ravelo
Agustina Gonzales, wife
Domingo, son
Jose, son
Josefa, daughter
Maria, daughter

5 - Cristobal Falcon
Josefa Martin wife
Antonia, daughter
Catalina, daughter
Antonia Martina, sister-in-law

6 - Alonso Ruano
Ignacia Casalas, wife
Jose, son
Maria, daughter
Isabel, sister

7 - Bartolome Fernandez
Catalina Mireles, wife
Juan, son
Vicente, son

8 - Gaspar Falcon
Francisca Mateo, wife
Juan, son
Miguel, son

9 - Matias Diaz Marino
Maria Marrero, wife
Jose, son
Francisca, daughter
Paula, daughter

10 - Antonio Garcia de Abreu
Agustina Sanchez, wife
Rafaela Garcia, sister-in-law

11 - Juaquin del Pino
Catalira Espinosa, wife
Jose, son
Cristobal, son

12 - Miguel Sanchez
Isabel Juana, wife
Josefa Lujan, mother-in-law

13 - Sebastien Hernandez
Teresa Lopez, wife
Sebastian, son
Manuel, son
Vicente, son
Lazaro, son
Bartolome, son
Juan, son
Ana, daughter

14 - Antonio Acosta
Maria Perez, wife
Andrea, daughter
Lorenzo, son
Domingo, son
Francisco, son
Blas, son
Maria, daughter

15 - Gaspar de Plasencia
Melchora Barroso, wife
Francisco, son
Baltasar, son
Maria, daughter
Leonor, daughter
Maria, daughter

16 - Domingo Francisco Estevez
Isabel Garcia, wife
Fernando, son
Manuel, son
Antonia, daughter

17 - Pedro Sanchez
Maria Lopez, wife
Andres, son
Maria, daughter

18 - Josef Maria De La Paz
Maria de la Conception, wife
Ramon, son,
Antonia, daughter
Eugenia, daughter

19 - Angel Gomez
Lazara Maria, wife
Antonio, son
Diego, son

20 - Francisco Aleman
Tomasa Bordon, wife
Salvador, son
Maria, daughter
Catalina, daughter

21 - Josef de la Cruz
Josefa Martin, wife
Maria, daughter

22 - Juan de Plasencia
Josefa de Reyes, wife
Domingo, son
Antonio, son
Andrea, daughter
Antonia, daughter

23 - Luis Perez
Catalina de San Mateo, wife

24 - Jose Antonio Releva
Ana del Carmen, wife

25 - Juan Rafael Truxillo
Maria Teresa Cabrera, wife

26 - Jose Garcia Aguilar
Josefa Maria Guia, wife

27 - Antonio Sanchez
Juana Lopez, wife
Andrea, daughter

28 - Domingo Truxillo
Catalina Maria, wife
Antonio, son
Jose, son
Juan, son
Marcelina, daughter

29 - Antonio Matos

30 - Domingo Zeballos
Rita Maria, wife

31 - Estevan Cabrera
Maria de las Nieves, wife

32 - Andreas de Vega
Constanza Lujan, wife
Rosalia, daughter
Juana, daughter
Antonio, son
Maria, daughter
Josefa, daughter

33 - Tomas Antonio Rodriguez
Petra Pabla de Chaves, wife
Vicente, son
Gregorio, son
Domingo, son
Barbara, daughter
Antonia, daughter
Gertrudis, daughter

34 - Antonio Bello
Clara de Vargas, wife
Antonio, son

35 - Josef Gonzales de la Cruz
Juana Rodriguez Chaves, wife
Antonio, son
Pedro, son
Jose, son
Diego, son

36 - Gaspar Antonio Alegria
Ana Alvarez, wife
Domingo, son
Maria, daughter

37 - Josef Diaz
(Blasina Fajardo, wife?)

Known Isleño Settlers That Arrived in 1782 from Barataria[2]
Contains settlers from nearby Barataria settlement between 1782 and 1784.

38 - Juan Aleman
Juana Ramirez, his wife
Antonio, son
Baltasar, son
Pedro, son
Josefa, daughter
Sebastiana, daughter

39 - Juan Alvarado
Maria Suarez, his wife
Tomas, son
Isabel, daughter
Francisca Antonia, sister-in-law

40 - Pedro Jose Caballero
Ana Gonzalez, his wife
Andrea, daughter
Juana, daughter
Asuncion, son
Miguel, son
Josefa, mother-in-law

41 - Manuel Dominguez
Juana Francisca, his wife
Antonio, son
Agustin, son
Maria Luisa, daughter
Jose, son

42 - Lorenzo Hernandez
Maria Jimenez, his wife
Ana, daughter
Maria, daughter

43 - Bartolome Hernandez Hidalgo
Isabel Hidalgo, wife

44 - Jose Hidalgo
Isabel Zambrana (Morales), his wife
Gregoria, daughter
Francisca, daughter
Juan, son

45 - Juan Jimenez
Juana (daughter)
Maria (daughter)

46 - Francisco Lopez Machado
Margarita Ramirez, his wife
Maria, daughter

47 - Bartolome Monzon
Maria Penales, his wife
Francisco, son
Isabel, daughter
Juana, daughter
Juan, son
Josefa, daughter

48 - Francisco Ramirez
Ana Perez, his wife
Francisco, son
Antonia, daughter

49 - Miguel Suarez
Maria de la Cruz, his wife
Domingo, son
Sebastian, son
Miguel, son

Other Isleño Heads of Households of Valenzuela in 1788[3] 
Contains new settlers between 1784 and 1788, possibly from various other settlements, and some descendants of original settlers.

50 - Diego Gonzales

51 - Andres (Gonzales) Perera
Maria del Rosario, wife
Antonio, son
Domingo, son

51 - Antonio Montesino Clemente
Maria Estevez, wife
Lorenzo, son

53 - Juan Jose Montesino
Maria Felipa Morales, wife
Antoine, son
Maria, daughter

54 - Manuel Rodriguez
Theresa [Lucia Brito?], wife

55 - Manuel Ruano
Joseph, brother
Juan, brother

56 - Antonio Diaz
Maria, wife
Maria, daughter
Antonio, son
Marie, orphan

57 - Juan de Mendoza
Francisca Rafaela, wife
Antonia, daughter
Maria del Carmen

57 - Joseph Hernandez
Maria de la Cruz Morera, wife
Antonio, son
Maria, daughter
Josefa, daughter

58 - Domingo Antonio Ascano (Escagne)
Juana Rodriguez, wife
Josef, son
Diego, son
Juana, daughter
Francisca, daughter
Bernardo, son
Antonio, son

59 - Manuel Melian
Maria Carrillo, wife
Antonio, son
Antonio Jose, son
Paula Maria, daughter

60 - Lorenzo Acosta
Marie Hernandez, wife
Sebastien, son
Angelique, daughter
Maire, daughter

61 - Estevan Hernandez
Isabelle Rodriguez, wife
Fernando, son
Maria, daughter
Rosaria, daughter
Manuela, (engaged)

62 - Antonio Acosta
Juana, wife
Blas, son

63 - Domingo Acosta
Marcelline, wife
Maria, daughter

64 - Andres Acosta
Josefa, wife
Maria, daughter

65 - Bernardo Antonio Rivero
Maria Antonia de Orta, wife
Josefa, daughter
Antonio, son
Bernardo, son
Maria, daughter

66 - Juan Acosta
Teresa Corbo, wife
Josef, son

67 - Francisco Martinez
Marie Antonia, wife

68 - Juan Rodriguez Mena
Josefa de Orta, wife
Francisca de Orta, mother- in-law

69 - Antonio Aleman
Maria Plasencia, wife
Maria, daughter
Juan, son

70 - Domingo Zaballos [Savallos]
Rita Maria, wife
Josef, son
Juan, son
Maria, daughter

71 - Antonio Martinez
Isabella, wife

72 - Antonio Truxillo
Maria Dominguez, wife
Juan, son
Josef Truxillo, brother

73 - Josef Diaz
Maria Carbo, wife
Joseph, son
Maria, daughter
Maria, (orphan)

74 - Augustin Dominguez
Lorenza Corbo, wife
Francisco, son
Antonio, son
Manuel, son
Andres, son
Maria, daughter

Other Spaniards

Manuel Ordonez (Granada, Spain)

Pablo Navarro (La Mancha, Spain)

Gaspar de Mora

Francisco de Mora

Vincent de Mora

Manuel Barrios

Sebastian Estevan (Pala Frosel, Cataluna, Spain)


  1. Correspondence, Blanchard to ?, “Monsieur,” Valenzulea, November 15, "1784" (abt. 1781), AGI, PC, 192.  Reprinted in Valenzuela in the Province of Louisiana: A Census of 1784 by Winston De Ville.  Ville Platte, LA. 1987.
  2. "Libro Maestro P. sentar el cargo del dano. de la nueba Pob. Barataria". Legajo 548. Papeles de Cuba, AGI.. See also: Lagajo 2358.. Reprinted in Historic Land Use Study Of A Portion Of The Barataria Unit Of The Jean Lafitte National Historical Park by Betsy Swanson. Part 1. January 15, 1988.   Reprinted in Archeological Data Recovery Of The Camino Site (16JE223), A Spanish Colonial Period Site Near New Orleans, Louisiana. Report Number: COELMN/PD-96/01.  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. New Orleans District. P.O. Box 60267. New Orleans, LA 70160-0267. March 1996.  p93-101.
  3. General Census of the Inhabitants Established in Lafourche 1788, Legajo 201, Archivo General de Indias - Papeles Procedentes de Cuba, Seville, Spain. Reprinted in Albert J. Robichaux, Jr., compiler, Colonial Settlers along Bayou Lafourche Louisiana Census Records 1770-1798, 532 Manhattan Boulevard, Harvey, Louisiana 70058.
  4. Domangue, Edward J. Jr.  "The Spanish Community of Bayou Lafourche". The Lafourche Country II: The Heritage And It's Keepers.  Stephen S. Michot, editor. John P. Doucet, editor. Lafourche Heritage Society, 1996.