Thursday, January 16, 2025

Pedro Calcines & Sebastiana Moreno

Name: Pedro Cansiles (Calcines)
Ship: San Juan Nepomuceno
Resident: La Laguna, Tenerife
Father: Juan Calcines[6]  

Wife: Sebastiana Moreno
Mother: Catalina La Santa[6]  
Father: Josef Jose Morales[6] 


Pedro left Santa Cruz, Tenerife in December 9, 1778 sailing on the San Juan Nepomuceno and landed in New Orleans on July 1779 with his wife Sebastiana and his children, Antonia, Juan, Maria and Catalina.[1]   He arrived at the Barataria settlement.

Pedro is mistakenly listed as "Pedro Cansiles" in the ship list for San Juan Nepomuceno.[1]  The family name is also listed as Cassine, Caside, Casilda, Calsides, Calzenes, Calcines, Calcinez, and Calzines in church records. 

The Barataria settlers suffered great hardships and many requested to leave for other nearby Isleño settlements in Louisiana.  By 1779, Pedro is listed as "Pedro Casiles", wife listed as Sebastiana Morena and his family were living in Barataria receiving rations.[4]  Catalina, however, is not listed.  By 1783, the family left the Barataria settlement and had settled in the Terre-Aux-Boeuf settlement at St. Bernard. 

After Pedro passed, Sebastiana remarried to Don. Hilaron De La Paz Barosso on Oct. 7, 1782 at St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans.[2]  


  1. Antonia de la Concepcion (b. 1768)
  2. Juan Jose (b. 1771)
  3. Maria Candelaria (b. 1774)
  4. Catalina  (b. 1778)
Daughter Antonia married Joseph Ruiz Gonzales, son of Matheo Gonzalez Ruiz and Maria Asumpcion de Avello, on February 3, 1783 at the St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans.[2]  They moved to St. John The Baptist parish and continued to have children.  She died November 30, 1839 and is buried in New Orleans.[5] 

Daughter Maria married Antonio Garcia.  She remarried his brother Blas Garcia, son of Thomas Garcia De Abreu and Catalina Gonzales de Claves of Santiago Del Real, Tenerife, on August 27th, 1792 at St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans.[3]   

Daughter Catalina married Luis Jose Betancourt, son of Nicolas Luis Jose Antonio de Betancourt and Rita Ramos Rivero of Guia, Gran Canaria.[7,8]  They continued to have children in the St. Bernard parish area. 


  1. Bachelors And Married Recruits With Their , Families Who Embarked On The Packet Boat, San Juan Npomuceno, Santa Cruz De Tenerife, December 9, 1778.  Archivo General de Indias - Santo Domingo, Seville, Spain.  Legajo 2661.  Reprinted in Gilbert C. Din, The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Press. 
  2. Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans Sacramental Records volume 3 1772-1783
  3. Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, vol. 5, 1791–1795
  4. "Libro Maestro P. sentar el cargo del dano. de la Pob. Barataria", Archivo General de Indias, Seville, (Papeles de Cuba, Legajo 2358)  Papeles de Cuba, Legajo 548, 84-44-L, Reel 92, Microfilm copy seen at The Historic New Orelans Collection (HNOC) in New Orleans, La.  Reprinted in Historic Land Use Study Of A Portion Of The Barataria Unit Of The Jean Lafitte National Historical Park by Betsy Swanson. Part 1. January 15, 1988.   Reprinted in Archeological Data Recovery Of The Camino Site (16JE223), A Spanish Colonial Period Site Near New Orleans, Louisiana. Report Number: COELMN/PD-96/01.  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. New Orleans District. P.O. Box 60267. New Orleans, LA 70160-0267. March 1996.  p93-101.
  5. "Louisiana, State Museum Historical Center, Cemetery Records, 1805-1944", , FamilySearch ( : Sun Mar 10 08:42:33 UTC 2024), Entry for Antonia Calzines and Jose Gonzales Ruiz, 30 Nov 1839.
  6. CALCINES: UN RECORRIDO POR LA HISTORIA DEL APELLIDO EN CANARIAS by ANGELO RODRÍGUEZ CALCINES.  Published on 1 de septiembre de 2013.  Reprinted online: 
  7. Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, vol. 7, 1800–1803
  8. Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, vol. 8, 1804-1806

Monday, January 6, 2025

Pedro George Caballero & Maria Gonzales

Name: Pedro Jorge Callero (Caballero)
Ship: La Victoria

Birth Place: Agüimes, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
Birth Date: January 17,
Father: Juan Caballero Suárez[7]
Mother: Josefa Perez Vizcaino de Leon[7]

Marriage: December 17, 1770[13]  

Wife: Maria Jesus Gonzales
Birth Place: Agüimes, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
Birth Date: February 1746
Father: Jose González Estupiñán[9]  
Mother: Josepha Perez Franco[9]  


Pedro married Maria Jesus Gonzales on December 17, 1770 at Iglesia de San Sebastián, Agüimes, Gran Canaria.[13]  

Pedro left Santa Cruz, Tenerife in Oct 22, 1778, sailing on La Victoria and landed in New Orleans on Jan 14, 1779 with his wife Maria, mother-in-law Josepha, and children Andrea, Juana, Domingo, and Miguel.[1]   The family arrived at the Barataria settlement.

NOTE: Pedro is listed in the Valenzuela libro maestro / cargo list index in 1779 receiving raciones (rations).  This suggests the family may have initially settled at Valenzuela before settling at Barataria.[6]  It's also possible the dates on the libro may be incorrect.  Further investigation needed.

The Barataria settlers suffered great hardships and many requested to leave for other nearby Isleño settlements in Louisiana.  By 1782, Juan and his family were living in Barataria receiving raciones (rations).[5]  By 1784, the family left Barataria and resided at the Valenzuela settlement.  

By 1789, Pedro was deceased.  Maria remarried to Francisco Lopez Machado on July 2, 1789.  She is also listed as "Ana Gonzalez". 


  1. Domingo Jose Francisco (b. 1771)[8] 
  2. Andrea Josepha (b. November 27, 1772)[9]  
  3. Juana Isabel (b. June 10, 1774)[11]  
  4. Domingo Jose Vicente (b. March 14, 1776)[10]  
  5. Miguel Antonio (b.December 13, 1777)[12]  
  6. Maria del Concepcion (b. 1779)
  7. (Jose)
  8. (Asuncion)
  9. Maria de la Conception (b. 1786)
  10. Rita (b.1788)

Son Domingo Jose Francisco was born in 1771 and baptized January 26, 1771 at Iglesia de San Sebastián, Agüimes, Gran Canaria.[8]  Domingo likely died before the family's departure to Louisiana.

Daughter Andrea was born November 29, 1772 and baptized December 6, 1772 at Iglesia de San Sebastián, Agüimes, Gran Canaria.[8]  She married Antonio De Vega, son of Andres de Vega and Constanza Sanchez Lujan, on July 27, 1789 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.[2]  She remarried Joseph Gonzales Cruz, son of Joseph Gonzales and Maria Rodriguez de Chavez of  Los Realejos de Abajos de Tenerife, on October 5, 1795 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.[2]  

Daughter Juana was born June 19, 1774 and baptized June 10, 1774 at Iglesia de San Sebastián, Agüimes, Gran Canaria.[11]  She married Vincent Hernandez, son of Sebastien Hernandez and Teresa Lopez, on February 28, 1791 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.[2]  

Son Domingo Jose Vicente was born March 14, 1776 and baptized March 24, 1776 at Iglesia de San Sebastián, Agüimes, Gran Canaria.[10]  He married Maria Garcia, daughter of Joseph Garcia and Maria Josefa Aleman, on February 4, 1799, at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.[2]  They continued to have children in Valenzuela. 

Son Miguel was born December 13, 1777 and baptized December 21, 1777 at Iglesia de San Sebastián, Agüimes, Gran Canaria.[12]  

Daughter Maria del Concepion was born and baptized June 20, 1779 at St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans.[4] 

Daughter Maria de la Conception was born and baptized January 4, 1786 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.[2]  

Daughter Rita was born and baptized June 14, 1788 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.[2]  She married Jean Gonzales, son of Joseph Gonzales and Catherine Rodriguez, and received 2nd and 3rd degree consanguinity dispensation, on June 24, 1811 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.[3]  

NOTE: Son Jose married Leonarda Diepa, daughter of Leonardo Diepa and Rosalie de Vega, on January 10, 1806 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.[3]  They continued to have children in Valenzuela.   He is suspected to have been born in 1785, however, there is no birth or baptism record of Jose.  It is possible Jose is the same person as Miguel, however, further investigation is needed. 

NOTE: Son Asuncion is listed in the Barataria "libro maestro".[5]  He is listed as the same age as Domingo Jose Vicente.  Asuncion may be the same person as Domingo.  This also may be the same person as the son Joseph who married Leonarda Diepa, however, further investigation is needed.


  1. Gilbert C. Din, The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Press, 
  2. Emilie G. Leumas, archivist, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Department of Archives, v2.
  3. Emilie G. Leumas, archivist, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Department of Archives, v3. 
  4. Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.  Vol 3. p165.
  5. "Libro Maestro P. sentar el cargo del dano. de la Pob. Barataria", Archivo General de Indias, Seville, (Papeles de Cuba, Legajo 2358)  Papeles de Cuba, Legajo 548, 84-44-L, Reel 92, Microfilm copy seen at The Historic New Orelans Collection (HNOC) in New Orleans, La.  Reprinted in Historic Land Use Study Of A Portion Of The Barataria Unit Of The Jean Lafitte National Historical Park by Betsy Swanson. Part 1. January 15, 1988.   Reprinted in Archeological Data Recovery Of The Camino Site (16JE223), A Spanish Colonial Period Site Near New Orleans, Louisiana. Report Number: COELMN/PD-96/01.  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. New Orleans District. P.O. Box 60267. New Orleans, LA 70160-0267. March 1996.  p93-101.
  6. "Indice de las familias Isleñas que han .... la nueva Poblacion de Valenzuela". Archivo General de Indias, Seville,  Papeles de Cuba, Legajo 568, Microfilm copy seen at The Historic New Orelans Collection (HNOC) in New Orleans, La. 
  7. Research conducted by Felipe Enrique Martín Santiago, June 19, 2019.  
  8. Libro 9 bautismo de Agüimes, folio 269. Iglesia de San Sebastián, Agüimes, Gran Canaria. Research conducted by Felipe Enrique Martín Santiago, July 2019.
  9. Libro 9 bautismo de Agüimes, folio 293.  Iglesia de San Sebastián, Agüimes, Gran Canaria. Reprinted in Family Origins Of Pedro Jorge Caballero And Maria-Jesus Gonzalez: An Update by Claire Mire Bettag.  Terrebonne Life Lines, Vol. 16, No. 1
  10. Libro 9 bautismo de Agüimes, folio 362 #53.  Iglesia de San Sebastián, Agüimes, Gran Canaria. Reprinted in Family Origins Of Pedro Jorge Caballero And Maria-Jesus Gonzalez: An Update by Claire Mire Bettag.  Terrebonne Life Lines, Vol. 16, No. 1
  11. Libro 9 bautismo de Agüimes, folio 328 #114.  Iglesia de San Sebastián, Agüimes, Gran Canaria. Reprinted in Family Origins Of Pedro Jorge Caballero And Maria-Jesus Gonzalez: An Update by Claire Mire Bettag.  Terrebonne Life Lines, Vol. 16, No. 1
  12. Libro 10 bautismo de Agüimes, folio 15 #165.  Iglesia de San Sebastián, Agüimes, Gran Canaria. Reprinted in Family Origins Of Pedro Jorge Caballero And Maria-Jesus Gonzalez: An Update by Claire Mire Bettag.  Terrebonne Life Lines, Vol. 16, No. 1
  13. Libro 4 de Matrimonio de Agüimes, folio 333.  Iglesia de San Sebastián, Agüimes, Gran Canaria. Reprinted in Family Origins Of Pedro Jorge Caballero And Maria-Jesus Gonzalez: An Update by Claire Mire Bettag.  Terrebonne Life Lines, Vol. 16, No. 1

Saturday, January 4, 2025

"La Victoria"

"La Victoria" by Gilbert Din[2]

The second ship, the polacre (a three-masted vessel) La Victoria of Captain Andres Orange, left on October 22, with 292 persons.  Of the 88 recruits, 63 had families.  Antonio Palao, soon to become a cadet in Louisiana, had command of the immigrants. 

La Victoria, made the voyage directly to New Orleans. Its journey appears to have been more fotuitous since none of the 88 recruits on board died.  It reached its destination on January 14, 1779.


Bachelors And Married Recruits With Their , Families Who Embarked On The Polacre, La Victoria, Santa Cruz De Tenerife, October 22, 1778[1]  

1 - Cmd. Antonio Terry Palao

2 - Andres de Vega
Constanza Lujan, wife
Rosalia, daughter, 10
Juana, daughter, 8
Antonio, son, 12
Maria, daughter, 6
Josefa, daughter, 18 months

3 - Juan Suarez
Elvira Lorenza, wife

4 - Juan Hernandez
Petrolina Sanchez, wife

5 - Cristobal Ramirez
Ana Caballero, wife
Jose, son, 18
Catalina, daughter, 15
Fernando, son, 13
Pedro, son, 11
Francisco, son, 9
Maria, daughter, 10
Ana, daughter, 12

6 - Pablo Suarez
Teresa Santana, wife

7 - Sebastian de Nis
Ana del Toro, wife
Cristobal, son, 12
Andrea, daughter, 7

8 - Salvador Peraza
Margarita Gutierrez, wife
Manuel, son, 11
Antonio, son, 4
Maria, daughter, 2

9 - Salvador Ramirez
Juana Perez, wife (she fled)
Diego, son, 13

10 - Juan Medina
Manuela Gonzales, wife
Fernando, son, 8 months

11 - Ignacio Ramirez

12 - Tomas Collado
Maria Aleman, wife
Maria Collado, sister, 12

13 - Pedro Santana

14 - Francisco Ortega Ramos
Tomasa Suarez, wife
Pedro, son, 18
Bernardo, son, 10
Josefa, daughter, 14
Jose Herrera
Lucia Gonzales, wife
Ignacio, son, 8

15 - Manuel Romano
Maria, sister, 17

16 - Juan Antonio Sanchez
Margarita Macias, wife
Gaspar, son, 18 months

17 - Pedro Jorge Callero [Caballero?]
Maria Gonzales, wife
Andrea, daughter, 7
Juana, daughter, 5
Domingo, son, 4
Miguel, son, 9 months
Josefa, mother-in-law

18 - Domingo Lopez
Francisca, sister, 26

19 - Bartolome Lopez
Catalina, sister, 10

20 - Juan Alonso Romero
Maria Jorge, wife
Juan, son, 13
Francisco, son, 4
Antonio, son, 2
Rosalia, daughter, 7
Andrea, daughter, 5
Maria, daughter, 7 months

21 - Miguel Jose Rodriguez

22 - Salvador Milan
Antonia Aleman, wife
Maria, daughter, 10 months

23 - Gaspar Sanchez
Beatriz Flores, wife
Ana, daughter, 10
Cristobal, son, 6
Francisco, son, 4
Josefa Perez, mother-in-law

24 - Bartolome Diaz
Josefa Perez, wife
Diego, son, 10
Manuel, daughter, 8
Juan, son, 6
Jose, son, 4
Francisco, son, 2
Francisca, daughter, 13 months

25 - Juan Sanchez Melian
Catalina Navarro, wife
Francisco, son, 5 months

26 - Juan de Leon Rodriguez
Josefa Rodriguez, wife
Jose, son, 12
Francisco, son, 9
Juan, son, 7
Antonio, son, 5
Domingo, son, 4 months
Catalina, daughter, 10

27 - Antonio Gonzales
Rosalia Ortega, wife
Jose, son, 8
Francisco, son, 4
Maria, daughter, 1
Josefa Ortega, mother-in-law

28 - Andres Perera
Maria del Rosario, wife
Antonio, son, 4
Domingo, son, 2

29 - Antonio Cazorla
Francisca Ruano, wife
Jose, son, 14
Diego, son, 11
Diego Antonio, son, 9
Josefa daughter, 20
Maria, daughter, 16
Catalina, daughter, 4
Rosalia, daughter, 4 months

30 - Lorenzo Huerta

31 - Ramon de Cubas

32 - Domingo Melo

33 - Melchor Diaz Donoso

34 - Pedro de los Reyes

35 - Sebastian Lopez

36 - Lucas Agustin Santana

37 - Francisco Lopez
Machado Margarita Ramirez, wife
Maria, daughter, 3 months

38 - Fernando Rodriguez
Rita Perdomo, wife
Lucia Rodriguez, sister
Maria, sister

39 - Joaquin del Pino
Catalira Espinosa, wife
Jose, son, 3
Cristobal, son, 10 months

40 - Jose Sanchez Ramirez

41 - Jose Agustin Enrique

42 - Miguel Herrera
Catalina Rodriguez, wife
Antonio, son, 3
Francisco, son, 6 months

43 - Silvestre Ojeda

44 - Blas Ramos

45 - Cristobal Ventura
Dona Josefa del Toro, wife
Pedro, son, 4
Joaquin, son, 2
Maria, daughter, 2

46 - Matias Gonzales
Isabel Rodriguez, wife

47 - Miguel Sanchez
Isabel Juana, wife
Josefa Lujan, mother-in-law

48 - Antonio Gonzales
Josefa Rivero, wife

49 - Miguel Martin
Josefa Medina, wife
Miguel, son, 5
Roque, son, 4

50 - Miguel Quevedo
Maria Saavedra, wife
Tomasa, daughter, 5
Ana, daughter, 2

51 - Jose Tilano
Micaela Reyes, wife
Juan, son, 12
Jose, son, 9
Gaspar, son, 6
Agustin, son, 3
Maria, daughter 2

52 - Alonso Cerdefia
Francisca Ortega, wife
Juan, son, 8
Francisco, son, 2
Maria, daughter, 2
Jose, son, 4
Maria Zavallos, mother-in-law

53 - Melchor Ximenez
Catalina Perdomo, wife
Juan, son, 8
Diego, son, 6
Josefa, daughter, 7
Francisco, son, 13 months

54 - Antonio Santos
Maria del Pino, wife

55 - Juan Viera
Dominga Ojeda, wife
Maria, daughter, 17
Rosalia, daughter, 13
Isabel, daughter, 8

56 - Felipe Sanchez Romero
Maria Sanchez, wife
Andrea, daughter, 5

57 - Lucas Miguel Gonzales
Isabel Navarro, wife
Manuela, daughter, 9
Jose, son, 4
Miguel, son, 4 months

58 - Francisco Rodriguez
Ana Romero, wife
Agustina, daughter, 4
Sebastiana, daughter, 10
Juana, mother-in-law

59 - Vicente Sardina
Rita Gabriela, wife
Maria, daughter 13
Jose, son, 2 months

60 - Matias Diaz Marino
Maria Marrero, wife
Jose, son, 12
Francisca, daughter, 14
Paula, daughter, 10

61 - Gregorio Duran
Ana Hidalgo, wife
Francisco, son, 12
Miguel, son, 7
Jose, son, 6
Maria, daughter, 13
Antonia, daughter, 3

62 - Antonio Acosta
Maria Perez, wife
Andrea, daughter, 18
Lorenzo, son, 14
Domingo, son, 13
Francisco, son, 10
Blas, son, 8
Maria, daughter, 15

63 - Francisco Suarez
Francisca Suarez, wife
Pablo, son, 18
Juana, daughter, 14

64 - Bartolome Marrero
Josefa Sosa, wife
Tomasa, daughter, 20
Maria, daughter, 17
Catalina, daughter, 14

65 - Francisco Monzon
Josefa de Castro, wife

66 - Roque de Avila Bordon
Jose, son, 8

67 - Sebastian Hernandez
Teresa Lopez, wife
Sebastian, son, 17 (he fled)
Manuel, son, 15
Vicente, son, 10
Lazaro, son, 7
Bartolome, son, 5
Juan, son, 4
Ana, daughter, 12

68 - Francisco Cazorla

68 - Manuel Melo

70 - Patricio Melo

71 - Pedro Guedes
Isabel de Sosa, wife
Sebastiana, daughter, 22
Jose, son, 7

72 - Juan Gonzales Siverio
Catalina Espino, wife
Ana, daughter, 12
Antonio, son, 4

73 - Bartolome Hernandez Hidalgo
Isabel Hidalgo, wife

74 - Antonio Martel
Francisca Antonia, wife
Antonio, son 6
Domingo, son 2
Blasina, daughter, 11

75 - Salvador Bermudez
Maria Ramos,wife

76 - Miguel Espino

77 - Joaquin Diaz
Josefa Ana, wife

78 - Juan Diaz

79 - Joaquin del Pino
Francisco, brother

80 - Jose Mateo

81 - Diego Gonzales

82 - Jose Gonzales
Catalina, sister, 18

83 - Blas Aleman

84 - Juan del Pino Rodriguez

85 - Francisco Sanchez Melian
Ana Espino, wife

86 - Domingo Antonio Dominguez
Maria Candelaria, wife

87 - Juana Perez, wife of Salvador Ramirez, fled the night before embarking; the same for

88 - Sebastian Hernandez, son of the same name. Teresa Lopez enlisted separately.

89 - Josefa Maria de las Nieves, mother-in-law of Andres Perera, was forgotten in the enlistment. 


  1. Bachelors And Married Recruits With Their , Families Who Embarked On The Polacre, La Victoria, Santa Cruz De Tenerife, October 22, 1778.  Archivo General de Indias - Santo Domingo, Seville, Spain.  Legajo 2661.  Reprinted in Gilbert C. Din, The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Press.
  2. Gilbert C. Din, The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Press.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Andres de Vega & Constanza Lujan

 Name: Andres de Vega
Ship: La Victoria

Wife: Constanza Luján (Luxán) 


Andres served in the Provincial Militia of Guimar.  He was awarded the rank of soldier on May 1, 1772 and corporal second-class on May 5, 1775 and the rank of corporal first-class on September 23, 1778.[7]  

Andres left Santa Cruz, Tenerife in Oct 22, 1778, sailing on La Victoria and landed in New Orleans on Jan 14, 1779 with his wife Constanza and children Antonio, Rosalia, Juana, Maria, and Josepha.[1]  He arrived at the Valenzuela Settlement in 1779.

Andres served in the LaFourche Militia and the German Coast Disciplined Provincial Militia.  He was awarded the rank of sergeant second-class on August 1, 1779 and sergeant first class on October 1, 1780. He was noted to have "supposed valor; good application & conduct; average capacity".[7] 

Constanza is also listed as Constanza Sanchez Luján of Artenara, Gran Canaria.  Her last name is also spelled as Lufana, Lugana, Lusan, Lusano, Louane, Luxan and Tuxan.[2,3]  

Andres was named in a a conveyance of property record with Bentina Vega, dated 1807 in Ascension, Orleans Territory, United States.[8]  He died at the age of 73 years and was buried on May 16, 1815 at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Plattenville, LA.[3]    


  1. Antonio (b. 1766)
  2. Rosalia Maria (b. 1768)
  3. Juana (b. 1770)
  4. Maria (b.1772)
  5. Josepha (b. 1777)
  6. Juan Antoine (b. 1780 - 1787)[4] 
  7. Bonaventura (b. 1780 - 1787)[5,6] 
  8. Maria Marguerita (b. 1787)
  9. Juan Francisco Vicente (b. July 14, 1789)
  10. Maria Salome (b. October 22, 1792)
  11. Pablo Antonio (b. January 15, 1793)
  12. Rita Francisca (b. February 25, 1794)

Son Antonio married Andrea Cavallero, daughter of Pedro Cavallero and Maria Gonzales, on July 27, 1789 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.[2]  They continued to have children in the Valenzuela Settlement.

Daughter Rosalia married Bartholome Hernandez, son of Sebastian Hernandez and Theresa Alvarez, on February 2, 1795 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.[2] She remarried Lorenzo Dieppe, son of Juan Dieppe and Rita Catalina Gonzales, on July 2, 1789 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.[2]  Rosalie died and was buried March 4, 1829 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Donaldsonville, LA.[9]  

NOTE: Daughter Juana is not listed on the "libro maestro" for Valenzuela in 1779.  She may have died during the voyage. 

Daughter Maria Marguerita was born and baptized September 2, 1787  at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.[2]  

Son Juan was born July 14, 1789 and baptized July 20, 1789 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.[2]  

Daughter Maria was born October 22, 1792 and baptized November 5, 1792.  She died and was buried April 21, 1795 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.[2]  

Son Pablo was born January 15, 1793 and baptized February 9, 1793 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.[2]  He died at age 19 years and buried September 23, 1810 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.[3] 

Daughter Rita was born February 25, 1794 and baptized March 27, 1794 at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Plattenville, LA.[2]  

NOTE:  Son Juan Antoine married Maria Sanchez, daughter of Pedro Sanchez and Maria Hernandez, on December 27, 1802 at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Plattenville, LA.[2]  He is listed as "Jean Bega" of age 40 to 50 years in the 1830 US census.[4]  However, he is not listed on the ship list nor in any church baptism record.  They continued to have children in the Valenzuela Settlement.  


NOTE:  Son Bonaventura married Maria Martinez, daughter of Antonio Martinez and Paula Morrina, on August 2, 1813 at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Plattenville, LA.[3]  He is listed as "Benture Bega" in the 1820 US census at the age of 20 to 40 years and as "Vintura Vega" in the 1830 US census at the age of 40 to 50 years.[5,6]  However, he is not listed on the ship list nor in any church baptism record.  They continued to have children in the Valenzuela Settlement.   Bonaventura died and was buried November 17, 1830 at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Plattenville, LA.[10]  


  1. Gilbert C. Din, The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Press, 
  2. Emilie G. Leumas, archivist, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Department of Archives, v2.
  3. Emilie G. Leumas, archivist, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Department of Archives, v3. 
  4. United States 1830 Census.  "Louisiana, United States records," images, FamilySearch ( : Jan 4, 2025), image 195 of 656; United States. National Archives and Records Administration.
  5. United States 1820 Census.  "Louisiana, United States records," images, FamilySearch ( : Jan 4, 2025), image 36 of 122; United States. National Archives and Records Administration.
  6. United States 1830 Census.  "Louisiana, United States records," images, FamilySearch ( : Jan 4, 2025), image 233 of 656; United States. National Archives and Records Administration.
  7. Service Sheet: Dec. 31, 1800, AGI, PC, leg. 161-a.  Reprinted: Holmes, Jack D. L.. Honor and Fidelity: The Louisiana Infantry Regiment and the Louisiana Militia Companies, 1766-1821. United States: J.D. Holmes, 1965.
  8. "Louisiana, Ascension Parish, Index of Conveyances, 1770-1957", , FamilySearch ( : Thu Dec 14 15:16:43 UTC 2023), Entry for Andre; Vega and Bentina Vega, 1807.
  9. Emilie G. Leumas, archivist, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Department of Archives, v4.  
  10. Emilie G. Leumas, archivist, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Department of Archives, v5.  

Monday, April 3, 2023

Juan Gonzales Siverio & Catalina Espino

Name: Juan Gonzales Siverio
Ship: La Victoria
Birth: Tirajana, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
Father: Antonio Gonzales Siverio
Mother: Juana Rodriguez

Wife (1st): Catalina Espino
Wife (2nd): Maria Candelaria Mayor


Juan left Santa Cruz, Tenerife in Oct 22, 1778, sailing on La Victoria and landed in New Orleans on Jan 14, 1779 with his children Ana and Antonio.[1]   He arrived at the Galveztown settlement.  

Juan is listed in the First Militia Company at Galveztown on June 27, 1779.[10] He is also listed as Juan Severio. 

Juan is listed in the Galveztown Settlement Survey of September 13, 1793.[7]  He claims land in Galveztown in 1794.[5]   Listed as "100 superficial arpents on the right or south bank of the bayou bounded upstream by William Spaun (Braun?), downstream by the fort at Galveztown, and by vacant land on the other side."  Jose is shown on the Galveztown census of 1804.[5]  Juan is listed in land claims made in 1832 represented in a township map.[8]  


  1. Ana (b. 1766)
  2. Antonio (b. 1774)

Juan remarried to Maria Candelaria Mayor, daughter of Tomas Mayor and Gregoria Sanchez in Galveztown.[2]   


  1. Leon Juan (b. April 11, 1793)
  2. Elzeario Joseph (b. October 20, 1795)
  3. Tomasa de Aquino Enrica (b. March 7, 1799)
Son Leon was born April 11, 1793 in Galveztown and baptized April 18, 1793 in Galveztown.[2]  

Son Elzeario was born October 20, 1795 in Galveztown and baptized October 22, 1795 in Galveztown.[2]  
NOTE:  Elzeario is possibly Joseph Severio, commonly referenced in the Baton Rouge records.  Joseph Severio married Maria Rosalie Arruet, daughter of Jean Louis Arruet and Maria del Alamo. There is a marriage record for "Joseph Sauario", married to "Maria Arrewitt" in the Greensburg District, later St. Helena Parish (present-day Livingston Parish), on February 1, 1820.[9]  They had children in Baton Rouge and Livingston Parish.  It is unconfirmed if Elzeario Joseph Siverio is the same as Joseph Severio, married to Maria.   More information is needed.

Daughter Tomasa was born March 7, 1799 in Galveztown and baptized March 17, 1799 in Galveztown.[2]  


  1. Gilbert C. Din, The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Press, 
  2. Emilie G. Leumas, archivist, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Department of Archives, v2, p676.
  3. Emilie G. Leumas, archivist, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Department of Archives, v3. 
  4. Iberville County Louisiana Archives Court. Governors Of Galveztown, Et Al  February 8, 1804.  Record of the lands conceded by the Governors to the inhabitants of this District of Galveztown, with description of the arpents which they possess.   
  5. "Registro de las Tierras Concedidas por los Señores Govennadones à los abitantes de este Districto de Galveztown con èxpression de los àrpanes que cadauno tiene febr. 8th 1804". Conveyance Book B, May 3, 1787 - January 30, 1804.  Iberville Parish Courthouse, Plaquemine, LA
  6. Surveyors Maps of the District of Galveston, Louisiana. 1793-1794.  Box 3e487, Folder 4
  7. Old Greensburg District of Livingston Parish (French Settlement and Port Vincent). September 13, 1793.
  8. Township Survey of 1832.  John Gilmore. "Southeastern District of Louisiana.  East of the Mississippi River."  T.8S R.3E. Redrawn in 1871. Published 1882.  Survey General's Office, New Orleans, LA
  9. St. Helena Marriage Index A & B, St. Helena Parish, Louisiana.  Reprinted in Million Early Marriages in the Southern States LA AHGP, Louisiana History and Genealogy Project 280,566 Early Louisiana Marriages Submitted by C. W. Barnum ©January 1, 2014 (
  10. Kinnaird, Lawrence, editor.  Villa de Galvez - First Militia Company.  Reprinted in the Annual Report of the American Historical Association for Year 1945.  Vol. 2. Spain In The Mississippi Valley (1765-1794).  United States Government Printing Office, Washinton, 1949.  Reprinted in the East Ascension Genealogical and Historical Society Journal.  Vol IX.  No. 1.  March, 1989.  

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


"Margarita" by Gilbert Din[2]

The sixth ship with Isleños, El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, reached Havana on July 25, 1779, about the same time that news came of Spain's declaration of war on England.  After the war began, Lieutenant Colonel Andres Amat de Tortosa waited anxiously for the convoy to arrive from Cádiz in order to send the remaining emigrants.  But as the months stretched out and expenses mounted, he decided to dispatch the remaining 99 recruits and their families, 368 persons in all, on three small vessels.

Two brigantines belonged to Bartolomé Montañez, the San Carlos, which carried 47 recruits, 159 persons in all, under Sergeant First Class Josef Martínez Rubio and the San Pedro, with 35 recruits and a total of 119 passengers, under Corporal Juan Jardin.  The brig belonging to Francisco Suárez de Miranda, the Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, carried only 17 recruits, 89 passengers in all, under Lieutenant Esteban Botino de Echevarria.  

Those on El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, the San Carlos, and the Nuestra Señora de los Dolores arrived in Havana.  Those who waited patiently for the war to end found transportation to New Orleans in the summer of 1783, when the government hired two ships.  The first group of 40 families sailed from Havana on July 28, on board the frigate Margarita. They reached the mouth of the Mississippi at Balize on August 17.  Two days later, the packet boat Santísima Trinidad under Captain Borja, with 25 additional Isleno families, arrived. The two ships brought a total of 263 persons, who represented the bulk of the immigrants who had sat out the war in Cuba.  


Persons And Families Who Came From The Canary Islands For Louisiana And Who Are Now Going On The Frigate Margarita, Havana, July 28, 1783.[1]  

CZN = Those that arrived in Havana on El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
CAR = Those that arrived in Havana on the San Carlos
DOL = Those that arrived in Havana on the Nuestra Señora de los Dolores

1 - Agustin de Zejas [Sejus] [CZN]
Luisa, daughter
Francisca, daughter

2 - Tomas de Zejas [CZN]
Catalina, wife

3 - Manuel Ramos [CZN]
Maria, wife
Maria, daughter
Juan, son
Josefa, daughter
Tomas, son

4 - Lorenza Marrero (wife) [CZN]
Juan, son
Francisca, daughter

5 - Diego Rodriguez [CZN]
Maria, wife

6 - Juan Lorenzo Gonzales [CZN]
Maria, wife
Maria, daughter

7 - Patricio Gonzales [CZN]
Tomasa, wife
Luis, son
Francisco, son

8 - Antonio Gonzales [DOL?]
Isabel, wife
Antonia, daughter

9 - Juan Alonso de la Fuente [CZN]
Beatriz, wife
Maria, daughter
Antonia, daughter

10 - Juan Quintana [CZN]
Isabel, wife
Maria, daughter

11 - Antonio de Flores [CZN]
Catalina, wife
Margarita, mother-in-law

12 - Francisco Truxillo [CZN]
Beatriz, wife
Josefa, daughter
Francisca, daughter

13 - Domingo Machado [CZN]
Antonia, wife
Antonio, son
Jose, son
Francisco, son
Pedro, son

14 - Juan Alonso Morales [CZN]
Antonia, wife
Maria, daughter

15 - Antonio Valentin Rodriguez [CZN]
Luisa, wife
Santiago, son

16 - Antonio Esteves [CZN]
Elena, wife
Maria, daughter

17 - Jose Marrero [CAR]
Luis, son [sic]
Vizenta, daughter
Luis, son
Pedro, son
Josefa, daughter
Josefa [sic], daughter

18 - Maria, widow of Antonio Infante [CAR]
Maria, daughter
Antonia, daughter
Francisca, daughter
Dominga, daughter

19 - Antonio Rodriguez [CAR]
Maria, wife
Maria, daughter
Alonso, son
Francisco, son
Ana, daughter
Francisca, daughter

20 - Julien Lopez [CAR]
Maria, wife

21 - Francisco de Campos [CAR]
Maria, wife

22 - Jose Oleda [Ojeda] [CAR]
Ursula, wife
Eugenio, son A

23 - Antonio Rubio [DOL]
Josefa, wife
Nicolas, son

24 - Antonio Machado [CZN] (possibly PC?)
Maria, wife
Sebastian, son
Josefa, daughter
Andrea, daughter
Maria, daughter
Pedro, son

25 - Manuel de la Caridad [CZN]
Maria, wife
Antonia, daughter

26 - Antonio Dupierrez [CZN]
Catalina, wife
Juan, son

27 - Maria, widow of Jose Lorenzo Jucirez [CZN]
Antonio, son
Juan, son
Miguel, son
Francisco, son
Jose, son
Francisca, daughter
Maria, daughter

28 - Jose Aleman [CZN]
Antonia, wife
Juan, son
Matias, son

29 - Santiago Hernandez [CZN]
Maria, wife
Maria, daughter
Francisco, son
Josefa, daughter
Antonia, daughter

30 - Felipe Gonzales Fuentes [CAR]
Antonia, wife

31 - Jose Antonio Quintana [CAR]
Maria, wife
Maria, daughter
Jose, son
Rafael, son

32 - Juan de Acosta [CAR]
Luisa, wife
Jose, son
Jose [sic], son

33 - Manuel Hernandez Claro [CAR]
Catalina, wife
Maria, daughter
Antonio, son
Josefa, daughter

34 - Jose Antonio Gonzales [CAR]
Antonia, wife
Maria, daughter

35 - Luis Martel [CAR]
Antonia, mother

36 - Pedro Hernandez [CAR]
Isabel, wife
Jose, son
Maria, daughter

37 - Domingo Diaz Nunez -deserted on 16th [DOL]
Maria, wife
Domingo, son
Maria, daughter
Luisa, daughter
Maria [sic], daughter
Domingo [sic], son

38 - Antonio Bienes [DOL]
Manuela, wife

39 - Jose Ramirez [CAR]
Diego, son
Maria, daughter
Isabel, daughter

40 - Sebastian Cazorla [CZN]
Isabel, wife
Bartolome, son
Angela, daughter
Angel, grandson 


  1. Persons And Families Who Came From The Canary Islands For Louisiana And Who Are Now Going On The Frigate Margarita, Havana, July 28, 1783.  Archivo General de Indias - Papeles Procedentes de Cuba, Seville, Spain.  Legajo 1393.  Reprinted in Gilbert C. Din, The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Press.
  2. Gilbert C. Din, The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Press.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Domingo Truxillo & Catalina Maria

 Name: Domingo Truxillo
Ship: San Juan Nepomuceno
Birth: La Gomera

Wife: Catalina Maria (Dominguez)


Domingo left Santa Cruz, Tenerife in Dec 9, 1778 sailing on the San Juan Nepomuceno and landed in New Orleans on July 1779 with his wife Catalina and his children Antonio, Jose, Juan and Marcelina.1   He arrived at the Valenzuela settlement

Catalina is listed as Catalina Dominguez in the marriage of her son Juan.2  

NOTE: Domingo may be the same as Domingo Truxillo, the son of Joseph Truxillo Prieto and Ria Sepherina, both of Alajero, La Gomera.6  Further investigation is required.


  1. Antonio Domingo (b. 1764)
  2. Marcelina (b. 1771)
  3. Jose (b. 1772)
  4. Juan (b. 1775)
Son Antonio married Maria Dominguez, daughter of Manuel Dominguez and Juana Dominguez of Tenerife, on August 30, 1784 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Valenzuela settlement.2  Antonio is listed in the 1788 Spanish Census of Bayou Lafourche with his brother Jose living with him.5  They continued to have children in the Valenzuela settlement.

Daughter Marcelina married Domingo Acosta, son of Antonio de Acosta and Damiana Perera, on February 27, 1786 in the Valenzuela settlement.2  They continued to have children in the Valenzuela settlement.

Son Juan married Maria Falcon, daughter of Gaspar Falcon and Francisca DeNiz, on June 19, 1799 at the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ at the Valenzuela settlement.2  They continued to have children in the Valenzuela settlement.


  1. Gilbert C. Din, The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Press
  2. Emilie G. Leumas, archivist, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Department of Archives, v2, p708-709
  3. Emilie G. Leumas, archivist, Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records, Department of Archives, v3, 840-841
  4. General Census of the Inhabitants Established in Lafourche 1791, Legajo 202, p153, Archivo General de Indias - Papeles Procedentes de Cuba, Seville, Spain.  Reprinted in Albert J. Robichaux, Jr., compiler, Colonial Settlers along Bayou Lafourche Louisiana Census Records 1770-1798, 532 Manhattan Boulevard, Harvey, Louisiana 70058, 
  5. General Census of the Inhabitants Established in Lafourche 1788, Legajo 201, Archivo General de Indias - Papeles Procedentes de Cuba, Seville, Spain. Reprinted in Albert J. Robichaux, Jr., compiler, Colonial Settlers along Bayou Lafourche Louisiana Census Records 1770-1798, 532 Manhattan Boulevard, Harvey, Louisiana 70058
  6. Vera, Julio C. "Censo de La Gomera de 1757: With English Guide".  December 17, 2019. (AL-67) p.212.